Contents of the Billing Labor Summary Dialog Box

These fields show you a summary of the total labor hours, cost amounts, and billing extension amounts for unbilled labor transactions.

Grid Rows

A row displays for each transaction billing status (Bill, Hold, Write-off, or Delete), as well as a Totals row. Each row provides summary totals for the unbilled labor transactions from the grid on the Labor tab on the Interactive Billing form for each billing status.

Transaction billing statuses in the rows are:

  • Bill: These are the transactions to be billed.
  • Hold: These are the transactions on hold.
  • Write-off: These are the transactions to be written off.
  • Delete: These are the transactions to be deleted and never billed.
  • Totals: These are the totals for each column in the grid.

If you have multiple work breakdown structure levels for a project, the grid displays a summary for the WBS level that you have open on the Interactive Billing form.

Grid Columns

Field Description
Hours This column displays the total labor hours for the unbilled labor transactions for each billing status.
Cost Amount This column displays the total cost amount of the unbilled labor transactions for each billing status. The cost amount is determined by multiplying the employee's job cost rate by the amount in the Hours field on the Labor grid. The employee's job cost rate is specified in the Employees hub.

The Labor Cost Rates/Amounts setting on the Accounting tab of Security Roles Settings determines your access to labor cost rates and amounts.

Billing Extension This column displays the total billing extension amount for the unbilled labor transactions for each billing status. The amount is determined by multiplying the labor hours times the amount in the Rate field on the Labor grid. The rate is determined using the labor billing terms defined for this project. Billing extension examples: Employee’s job cost rate x the number of hours x any multipliers applied to the project; or the employee's labor rate assigned in a labor rate table x the number of hours x any multipliers.