Contents of the Billing Labor Modify Dialog Box

Use the fields and options on this dialog box to modify employee labor transaction details and tax code overrides before you bill the transaction.

These fields prefill with the information already entered for the labor transaction. Change the information in any editable field as needed. These changes are not posted to the general ledger or the project. The changes affect only the billing invoice.

Field Description
Project This field displays the project number and name of the project that is associated with the transaction. The project displays as a hyperlink. Click the link to see more information about the project.
Phase This field display the phase number and name if a phase is associated with the transaction.
Task This fields display the task number and name, if a task is associated with the transaction.
Employee These fields display the employee number and name for the employee who worked the hours specified in the Hours fields for this transaction.
Labor Code This field displays the labor code associated with the labor transaction, if labor codes are being used. You cannot change the labor code.
Date This field prefills with the transaction date, which you can change.

Enter a different labor category code (number) for this transaction. This field prefills with the labor category code, if any, that is specified for the employee on the Employment Details tab of the Employees hub.

This field is applicable when the project's Labor Method and/or the First Labor Sort or Second Labor Sort is set to By Category on the Labor tab in the projects's billing terms.

In this field, you can do either of the following:

  • Select a labor category code from the drop-down list. These are the labor categories that are set up at the global level in Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists.
  • Enter a labor category code that was added to a billing labor category table in Settings > Rate Tables > Billing Labor Categories instead of being added in Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists.
Category Description

If you selected a labor category code from the drop-down list in the Category field, this field prefills with the description for the labor category. Only the labor categories that were entered in Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists display in the drop-down list in the Category field.

If you entered a labor category in the Category field that was added to a billing labor category table in Settings > Rate Tables > Billing Labor Categories instead of selecting a labor category from the drop-down list in that field, no description prefills in the Category Description field.

Comment Edit or enter additional information to associate with the transaction. To format your comments in this field, click in the field.
Regular Change the number of regular hours to bill.
Overtime Change the number of overtime hours to bill.
Overtime-2 You can change the number of overtime-2 hours to bill. Secondary overtime hours are charged at a different rate than standard overtime hours.

This field is available only if you set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

Tax Code Override 1 Select the first tax code to use to calculate taxes for the labor transaction. This tax code will override the first default tax code that is entered for the project's billing terms (in the Taxes grid on the More Calculations tab of Billing Terms). The first default tax code for a labor transaction is the default tax code entered for the project's billing terms that has the first (lowest) sequence number with the Labor Billing check box selected in the Outputs section on the Tax Codes tab in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes.

The drop-down list in the Tax Code Override 1 field includes tax codes with an active status that have the Labor Billing check box selected in the Outputs section on the Tax Codes tab in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes. The tax codes can also have other check boxes selected in the Outputs section and check boxes selected in the Inputs section on the Tax Codes tab. Tax codes with check boxes selected only in the Inputs section are not included in the drop-down list.

Tax Code Override 2 Select the second tax code to use to calculate taxes for the labor transaction. This tax code will override the second default tax code that is entered for the project's billing terms (in the Tax Codes grid on the Misc tab of Billing Terms). The second default tax code for a labor transaction is the default tax code entered for the project's billing terms that has the second lowest sequence number with the Labor Billing check box selected in the Outputs section on the Tax Codes tab in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes.

The drop-down list in the Tax Code Override 2 field includes tax codes with an active status that have the Labor Billing check box selected in the Outputs section on the Tax Codes tab in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes. The tax codes can also have other check boxes selected in the Outputs section and check boxes selected in the Inputs section on the Tax Codes tab. Tax codes with check boxes selected only in the Inputs section are not included in the drop-down list.

Modify Click this button to save the entries on this dialog box and return to the Labor tab of the Interactive Billing form.
Cancel Click this button to discard any changes that you made on this dialog box and return to the Labor tab of the Interactive Billing form.