Contents of the Billing Expense Write-off Dialog Box

Use these fields to specify that all or part of the expense amount for a labor transaction be written off and not included on any invoice.

Field Description
Project This field displays the project associated with the transaction. The project displays as a hyperlink. Click it to access more information about the project.
Phase This field displays the phase, if any, associated with the transaction.
Task This field displays the task, if any, associated with the transaction.
Account This field displays the general ledger expense account associated with the transaction.
Transaction Type This field displays the code representing the type of transaction, for example, AP for an accounts payable entry or JE for journal entry.
Vendor Name This field displays if the type of transaction is an AP voucher or an AP disbursement. The name of the vendor that is associated with the transaction displays in this field.
Employee Name This field displays if the type of transaction is an employee expense. The name of the employee that is associated with the transaction displays in this field.
Additional Description This field displays if the type of transaction is journal entry or miscellaneous expense.
Date This field displays the transaction date.
Reference Number This field displays the reference number that was entered or assigned to the transaction in the Reference field during transaction entry, or if it is a billing insert, when the insert was entered.
Description This field displays the description that was entered for the transaction when it was originally entered.
Amount This field prefills with the cost amount of the total transaction charge. To specify that the whole amount be written off and not billed on any invoice, leave the prefilled amount in this field. To specify that a portion of the amount be written off, enter the amount to write off in this field.
Tax Code Override 1 This displays the tax code that you entered in the Tax Code Override 1 field on the Billing Expense Modify dialog box or on the Billing Expense Insert dialog box for the expense transaction.
Tax Code Override 2 This displays the tax code that you entered in the Tax Code Override 2 field on the Billing Expense Modify dialog box or on the Billing Expense Insert dialog box for the expense transaction.

Click this button to write off the amount entered in the Amount field.

You are returned to the Expense tab of the Interactive Billing form, where you see the following:

  • If you did not change the prefilled amount for the transaction, the transaction displays in the Expenses grid, with its original amount and its status changed to Write-off.
  • If you entered a portion of the amount to be written off, the original transaction is split in two. A new transaction displays in the Expenses grid with a Write-off status and shows the amount to write off. The original transaction with its original status displays in the grid, with its amount reduced to reflect the written-off amount.

After you final accept the current invoice, the written-off transactions are removed from the Expenses grid.

Cancel Click this button to return to the Expense tab without writing off any of the transactions. The transaction remains in the grid on the Expense tab, with its original status and expense amounts.