Employee Reporting and Multiple Companies

When you track multiple companies in Vantagepoint, Employee and Payroll reports can be company-specific or can display information for one or more associated companies.

Report Options

When you track multiple companies, additional fields are available when you select report options and selection criteria. Use these options to include company details on your reports. For example, you can include an employee's home company information when you run a Timesheet Audit Detail report.

When you specify report options, the Sorting/Grouping and Columns tabs include home company options. If you select a home company on the Sorting/Grouping tab, the home company displays first on the report. If you select a home company on the Columns tab, the Home Company and Home Company Name fields are added to the report as columns.

Employee Reports

Employee reports let you view employee information for the active company, the home company, and/or the employee's associated companies. For example, if an employee's home company is the Memphis office but they are also associated with the Toronto and Mexico City offices, the employee would have three records, with separate currencies and perhaps separate accrual schedules and other information. You could generate the Employee Accrual report three times, to display the employee's information separately for each company.

To specify the companies whose data you want to include on a report, click the Selection field on the Reporting grid. In the Employee lookup, set the Search Field option to Company and then set the Operator option to one of the following settings:
  • Active Company
  • Is Home Company
  • Is Not Home Company

Payroll Reports

You can run a payroll report for only one company at a time, meaning that you can view an employee's payroll information for only one company at a time.