Contents of the Project Structure Dialog Box

Use the work breakdown structure (WBS) list on this dialog box to select the WBS element for which you want to display data in the Projects hub or on some other forms on which you work with project records (for example, the Interactive Billing form).

You can also display the Edit Project Structure form from this dialog box if you need to make changes to the structure. In the Projects hub, you can display the Create Linked Promotional Project dialog box to create a promotional project and link it to the currently selected project.

Contents: If WBS Has More Than One Level

If the WBS currently has more than one level, these fields and options display on the dialog box.

Field Description

Click this option to display the WBS on the Edit Project Structure form so that you can add or delete WBS elements or make changes to data for WBS elements.

This option does not display when you open the Project Structure dialog box from the Interactive Billing form in Billing > Interactive Billing.

If you are working with another application that is not in the Projects hub, a message displays to notify you that you will be redirected away from the current application. The message gives you the option to continue or remain in the current application.

+ Create a Linked Promotional Project Click this link to display the Create Linked Promotional Project dialog box and add a project for tracking the costs incurred in pursuing the project. The promotional project is linked to the current project, but it is a separate project with its own WBS and other properties.

This option is not available in either of the following scenarios:

  • You displayed this dialog box from an application in the Projects hub, but the project is not a regular project, it already has a linked promotional project, or it is assigned a stage that is not an in pursuit stage.
  • You displayed this dialog box from another application that is not in the Projects hub (for example, from the Interactive Billing form in Billing > Interactive Billing.
WBS The WBS for the project displays as a hierarchical list. Locate and click the WBS element for which you want to display data. (Some forms in the Projects hub do not display data at lower WBS levels. If you are on one of those forms, selecting a lower-level WBS element does not change the displayed data.)

If the project has a linked promotional project, the promotional project and its lower-level WBS elements display below the WBS for the project. You can also select a WBS element for the promotional project to display.

If your security role does not provide access to some WBS elements for the project or the linked promotional project, the grid does not display data for those elements.

In its default location, this dialog box closes automatically when you make a selection or when you click an element on the current form. However, if you move this dialog box away from its default location ("undock" it), it remains visible as you work on the current form so that you can quickly make other selections. In the Projects hub, it also remains visible if you switch from your current form to another Projects hub form that displays data at lower WBS levels.

Pending Account Review Click this toggle option to filter the WBS to show only the WBS elements that are awaiting accounting review.

A WBS element has a pending accounting review if the Approved for Use in Processing check box on the Accounting tab of the Projects form (Hubs > Projects > Project) is not selected for that element.

The "parent" elements of lower-level WBS elements with pending reviews are also shown, even if the parent elements have been approved for processing. This happens so that you can see where the lower-level WBS elements are located in the WBS.

If all elements in the WBS are approved for use in processing, this option is not available.

Contents: If WBS Has Only One Level

If the WBS currently has only the project level and you display the dialog box in the Projects hub, these fields and options display on the dialog box.

These fields do not display when you open this dialog box from the Interactive Billing form in Billing > Interactive Billing.

Field Description
+ Create a Linked Promotional Project Click this link to display the Create Linked Promotional Project dialog box and add a project for tracking the costs incurred in pursuing the project. The promotional project is linked to the current project, but it is a separate project with its own WBS and other properties.

This option is not available if the project is not a regular project, it already has a linked promotional project, or it is assigned a stage that is not an in pursuit stage.

+ Create a New Project Structure To add phases or phases and tasks individually, click this option to display the Edit Project Structure form.
Use Template To choose lower level WBS elements from a project template, select the template in Use a Project Template and click this button to display the Choose Project Structure form.