Cost and Pay Labor Tables

Use cost/pay labor tables to set up labor rates to override the cost and/or pay labor rates entered for employees in the Employees hub.

Labor cost rates are used to calculate project's labor costs when timesheets are processed. Labor pay rates are used to calculate an employee's pay when payroll is processed.

You can set up cost/pay labor tables based on labor rates, labor categories, or labor codes. You can assign cost/pay labor tables to projects, employees, or both. For example, you can assign a cost/pay labor table to a project in the Projects hub when a project drives the cost and/or pay rates for the employees who work on the project. The labor rates in the cost/pay labor table assigned to the project will override the cost/pay labor rates entered directly for employees in the Employees hub when Vantagepoint calculates project costs and employee pay for timesheet and payroll processing.

You can also specify an effective date for labor cost and pay rates, which allows you to specify when a rate takes effect. For more information, see Effective Dates for Cost and Pay Rates, Cost Rates Hierarchy, and Pay Rates Hierarchy.