Security Roles and Billing Invoice Approvals

Security role settings determine the actions that you can complete in the approval process for billing invoices.

Invoice Approval Action Who Can Do This?
Submit Any user whose security role has access to Interactive Billing or Batch Billing in the Billing application can submit invoices for approval for projects to which they have record access.
Unsubmit Any user whose security role has access to Interactive Billing can unsubmit previously submitted invoices for projects to which they have record access.

The employees who are assigned as key project employees (project manager, principal-in-charge, supervisor, and biller) on the Overview tab in the Projects hub for a project can approve invoices for the project if the key employee is assigned to approve billing invoices in a project's invoice approval process. (You set up the invoice approval process for projects in Settings > Billing > Invoice Approval Process in the desktop application. You assign an approval process to a project in its billing terms in the Projects hub.)

For example, if the invoice approval process for project A designates the project manager as the approver and you are entered as the project manager for the project in the Projects hub, you are the only one who can approve billing invoices for project A.

If, for example, an employee will be temporarily unavailable to approve invoices, they can delegate the approval responsibility to another employee on the My Preferences dialog box (accessed by clicking on the Vantagepoint main toolbar). To approve an invoice, the approver or delegate must have a security role that has access to the Invoice Approvals form in Billing > Invoice Approvals or the Draft Invoice Approvals form in Hubs > Projects > Draft Invoice Approvals.


The employees who are assigned as key project employees (project manager, principal-in-charge, supervisor, and biller) on the Overview tab in the Projects hub for a project can reject invoices for the project if the key employee is assigned to reject billing invoices in a project's invoice approval process. (You set up the invoice approval process for projects inSettings > Billing > Invoice Approval Process in the desktop application. You assign an approval process to a project in its billing terms in the Projects hub.)

For example, if the invoice approval process for project A designates the project manager as the rejecter and David O'Connell is entered as the project manager for the project in the Projects hub, only David O'Connell can reject billing invoices for project A.

If, for example, an employee will be temporarily unavailable to reject invoices, they can delegate the rejection responsibility to another employee on the My Preferences dialog box (accessed by clicking on the Vantagepoint main toolbar). To reject an invoice, the rejector or delegate must have a security role that has access to the Invoice Approvals form in Billing > Invoice Approvals or the Draft Invoice Approvals form in Hubs > Projects > Draft Invoice Approvals.

Edit invoice information A user who can approve or reject invoices can make changes to submitted invoices if their security role has the necessary rights specified in the Billing Security: Interactive Billing and Invoice Approval section on the Accounting tab of the Roles form in Settings > Security > Roles. In addition, some users (project managers, for example) may have access that enables them to update only fee percent complete information and the billing terms description on the Billing Terms form. If you change invoice information, Vantagepoint automatically recalculates the invoice.
Accept an approved invoice Any user whose security role has access to Interactive Billing or Batch Billing, and whose role has the Allow Final Processing check box selected on the Accounting tab in Settings > Security > Roles for Interactive Billing and/or Batch Billing, can accept approved invoices. For accepting invoices in Interactive Billing, you must also have access to project records.