Update Fees for an Invoice in Interactive Billing

In Interactive Billing, for fee-based invoices, you update the fees to bill before you generate an invoice for a project.

You can also update fees to bill on an invoice in a project's billing terms in Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms or in Billing > Batch Billing before you generate a batch of invoices.

For more information, see Fee Billing Terms.

  • A project must have a fee method selected and other fee information entered on the Fees tab in billing terms.
  • Your access to the fields on this tab are dependent on the access that is set up for your security role, such as access to the Billing Terms application and access to a project record (and whether this access is read-only, modify, add/edit, or full).

To update fees for an invoice in Interactive Billing:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. If the Billing Session Options dialog box displays, select options on the dialog box and click OK.
    If the dialog box does not automatically display, click Billing Session Options on the actions bar of the Interactive Billing form, and complete the session options information.
  3. On the Interactive Billing form, select a project
  4. Click the Fees tab.
  5. On the tab, review and update the fee information as needed for adding billing fees for the next invoice you generate for the project.
    • If a project does not have fee billing specified in its billing terms, this tab says "Fee billing terms are not defined" and the tab is blank.
    • Depending on your security access, you may be able to complete some or all of the following actions:
      • Update the overall percent completes or the percent complete for the individual phases.
      • Update the current fee amounts being billed, such as lump sum fee amounts or fee percentage.
      • Add, modify, or delete billing phase fees.

    If you need to make other changes to a project's fees, such as updating the fee method or basis or adding new phases, you must do that on the Fees tab in the project's billing terms.