Generate Invoices but Print Them at a Later Time in Batch Billing

You can schedule invoices or reports to run at another time.

To schedule a batch of invoices to run at a later time:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Billing > Batch Billing.
  2. Click Tools > Options to open the Billing Session Options dialog box.
  3. Enter the number of hours to retain invoices in the Retain Invoices for up to x hours field.
  4. Enter additional options, such as the period start and end date to print on invoices, and click OK.
  5. On the Main tab of the Batch Billing form, select Do not print when generating invoices.
  6. Define additional criteria for creating and formatting invoices for the batch billing run on the Main tab.
  7. To send an email message to a project manager that includes all of their project's invoices in a single report, select Email Invoices to and select Project Manager.
  8. Continue with the steps for generating draft or final bills, such as updating fees.

    You must generate draft or generate final bills before you print bills or reports from the Previously Run Invoices tab. Each user can only access invoices that they previously generated through Batch Billing from this tab. After you generate invoices through Batch Billing, the invoices and reports are available from the Previously Run Invoices tab for you to preview or print until they are deleted from the server in the time specified in the Retain Invoices for x hours option, set from the Billing Session Options dialog.

  9. Click the Previously Run Invoices tab.
  10. In the Batch Billing Runs grid, select the Batch Billing run.
  11. In the Previously Run Invoices grid, select one of the following actions:
    • Select one or more invoices or reports to print and click Print. Specify the printer where you want the invoices and reports to print.
    • Select an invoice or report to preview and click Preview.
    • Click Print All to print all invoices and reports listed in the grid to a single printer, which you specify.
    You can print multiple invoices or reports, but you can preview only one report or invoice at a time.