Invoice Creation Tab of the Batch Billing Form

Use this tab to select settings for processing a group of draft or final invoice or to submit a group of invoices for approval if you use an invoice approval process.


Field Description
Saved Options

After you complete the information on this tab, if you want to save your settings to use again in the future, select + Save Current Options in the drop-down list for this option. On the Save Options dialog box that opens, enter a name and description for the set of options and specify the users (based on security role) who can use the saved set.

You can also specify a set of saved options to serve as the preferred set of options. In this case, those options prefill on the Invoice Creation tab every time that you open Batch Billing. To do this, select the Make Preferred option on the Save Options dialog box. If you later want to stop the preferred settings from prefilling, click Restore Defaults in the drop-down list for the Saved Options field; the fields on the Invoice Creation tab then revert back to prefilling with the system default settings.

To use a set of previously saved options for a Batch Billing run, select that saved set from the drop-down list for this option.

Invoice Date

This field displays the invoice date that you entered on the Billing Session Options dialog box. You can change this date.


This field displays the period start and end dates that you entered on the Billing Session Options dialog box. You can change these dates.

Run Type Section

Field Description
Run Description

Enter a description or name to identify this batch billing run. For example, if your firm creates separate batch runs for each office, you could include the office name in the description. The description that you enter does not need to be unique. Vantagepoint distinguishes runs by a combination of their run date and run description.

Run Type

Select the type of run. Options are:

  • Draft: Select this option to produce draft (pre-billing) invoices that you can review before you create final invoices to send to customers. You can preview and edit draft invoices in Interactive Billing. When draft invoices are ready to be final invoiced and sent to customers, you either process them as a final run in Batch Billing or you accept each draft invoice individually in Interactive Billing.
  • Draft and Submit (for Invoice Approvals): This option displays if you use an approval process for invoices. Select this option to submit a batch of draft invoices for approval. This option is similar to the submit functionality in Interactive Billing. Invoices for projects without billing terms will not be submitted. When invoices are submitted:
    • An alert is automatically sent to approvers, if the approval process for a project has been configured to send alerts.
    • Submitted invoices are available to review in Draft Invoice Approvals in the Projects hub, and in Interactive Billing and Invoice Approvals in the Billing application. The invoices are available to print on the Invoice Archive tab in Batch Billing.
    • If you have Use Markup on Draft Invoices set to Yes on the Options form in Settings > Billing > Options: A PDF file of the draft invoice displays on the Draft Preview tab in Draft Invoice Approvals and in Interactive Billing for approvers to mark up with annotations and comments to communicate invoice changes for the biller to make before the biller accepts and sends the final invoice to the client.
  • Final: Select this option to produce final accepted invoices that you can send to customers. An invoice transaction file is created for the final accepted invoices. The billing client that is currently entered for a project on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub is assigned to a project's invoices in the invoice transaction file. You then post the file in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > Invoices. The billing client that is entered for an invoice in the invoice transaction entry file when you post the transaction file is associated with the invoice and any subsequent adjustments for the invoice, including voids and credit memos.

    You can change the billing client for an invoice in an invoice transaction file in Invoice Transaction Entry before you post the file.

    If you change the billing client for the project in the Projects hub after you process a final run type in Batch Billing, the billing client associated with the invoices in the batch does not change. The new billing client entered for a project applies for new invoices going forward.

    If you set Use Markup on Draft Invoices to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options, when you complete a Final run type: A PDF of the draft invoice with all its annotations and comments is saved. You can view it by clicking the icon in the Draft Invoice column on the Invoice History tab in Interactive Billing or Draft Invoice Approvals.

Invoice Distribution Section

Invoices do not print automatically when you click Create Invoices to process a batch of invoices. In this section, select whether you want to manually print invoices from the Invoice Archive tab after the batch of invoices is created, automatically send invoices as attachments in an email, or do both.

Field Description
Print from Invoice Archive

Select this check box if you want to print the invoices in a billing batch from the Invoice Archive tab after the batch is processed in Batch Billing.

If you choose to include supporting documents, the Unbilled Detail report, and/or the Batch Invoice list when invoices are created (these options are in the Include with Invoice section on this tab), these documents are also printed when you print invoices on the Invoice Archive tab.

When you select this check box, the Retain Invoices for Up To field displays.

Retain Invoices for Up To

This field displays when you select the Print from Invoice Archive option. Enter the number of hours to retain the batch of invoices on the Invoice Archive tab for printing. After the number of hours is reached, the invoice batch is permanently deleted from the invoice Archive tab. The value that you enter in this field must be greater than zero (0). (Zero means that the invoice would be saved indefinitely.)

Email Invoices Setup

Select this check box to automatically send draft invoices, final invoices, or submitted invoices for approval as attachments to an email message when you create a batch of invoices.

If you choose to include supporting documents, the Unbilled Detail report, and/or the Batch Invoice list when invoices are created (these options are in the Include with Invoice section on this tab), these documents are also attached to the email along with the invoice.

When you select Draft and Submit (for Invoice Approvals) as the run type, select the Email Invoices Setup option, and use invoice approvals: If the invoice approval process for a project is already configured to automatically send email alerts to approvers, the approvers will receive two email messages regarding invoices that they need to approve when invoices are submitted in Batch Billing.

Include with Invoice Section

The documents below that you include with the batch of invoices are generated in a PDF file.

Field Description
Print Supporting Documents

Select this check box to include supporting documents for each invoice in the batch. The supporting documents are included, based on the following:

  • The Expense Report, AP Vouchers and Disbursements, and/or the Units check boxes are selected in the Print Supporting Documents section on the Billing Backup tab in Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms.
  • The Print with Invoice setting is selected for a supporting document for a transaction on the draft or final invoice. You can see the supporting documents and this setting in Interactive Billing.

The batch runs listed on the Invoice Archives tab include the supporting documents, if they were printed with that batch run.

Print Unbilled Detail Report

Select this check box to print the corresponding Unbilled Detail report with each invoice. The Unbilled Detail report lists all posted transactions for the project with a pending status, such as to be billed (B), to be deleted (D), hold (H), or to be written-off (W).

If you select this option, the Bill-thru Date from the Batch Billing form is used for the report, rather than the Aging Date option specified on the Unbilled Detail Report's Options dialog box.

The report name is formatted as follows: Batch Unbilled [wbs1Label] [WBS1] [Invoice Number]. For example, you might see: Batch Unbilled Project 199900100 Draft.roi.

Vantagepoint stores the username and time (in seconds) to ensure that even when you run multiple batch billing runs, the Unbilled Detail reports from separate batches are unique.

If your firm uses multiple languages in Vantagepoint, invoices and supporting reports are generated in the language saved with the applicable invoice template. However, it does not automatically use that language for Unbilled Detail reports. Because the reports are intended for internal use only, they are generated in the language that you select when you log in to process batch billing. (You can, however, create a set of saved options for a specific language for the Unbilled Detail and Aging report in Reporting and then select that set of options for the report when you run the batch billing process.)

Print Batch Invoice List

Select this check box to include a report that provides a summary list of all the invoices that are included in a Batch Billing run. If you use an approval process for invoices and you select this check box when you are submitting invoices for approval, the default billing terms are used for previewing the submitted invoice in Billing > Invoice Approvals.

Print Custom Report

This check box displays if you have a custom report saved in the Custom folder on the Vantagepoint application server. This is a custom report provided by Deltek Global Consulting Services.

Select this check box to generate a corresponding custom report for each invoice in the billing batch. The custom report contains data that is specific for each invoice. The entries that you make in the Bill Through Date and Bill Through Period fields on the Billing Session Options dialog box apply for the custom report.

Project Selection Section

Field Description
Project Selection

Click in this field to open a drop-down box and then select the projects with invoices that you want to process in Batch Billing. At the bottom of the drop-down box, click Search to open the New Search dialog box, and select projects for the Billing Batch run from the list on the dialog box. Complete any of the following on the New Search dialog box:

  • To select all projects in the list, click Apply All. You are returned to the Invoice Creation form and you see Records Selected now entered in the Project Selection field.
  • To select only certain projects, select the check box at the beginning of the row for each project to include in the batch and then click Apply Selected. You are returned to the Invoice Creation form and you see Records Selected now entered in the Project Selection field.
  • To add search criteria to filter the list of projects on the New Search dialog box, so you can see and select a subset of projects for the Batch Billing run, click More Search Options on the dialog box. Enter search criteria in the shaded grid area added to the top of the dialog box. You can also turn on Advanced Settings at the top of the dialog box for more search options.

For more information about the New Search dialog box, see New Search Dialog Box and Advanced Search Settings in the Search section of the help.

If you use an approval process for invoices, select one of the options in the Include section, and then select projects in the Project Selection field to include invoices for a smaller subset or specific set of projects in the Batch Billing run.


The Include options display only if you have the Invoice Approval feature turned on (the Use Invoice Approvals option is set to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options).

Select one of the Include options to determine which invoices are part of the Batch Billing run. After you select one of the options, if you want to select a smaller subset or specific set of projects for the Batch Billing run, use the search in the Project Selection field. For example, if you select Include Only Projects with Approvals Enabled and in the Project Selection field you select projects from only one organization, then the projects included in the run are only the invoices for that one organization that have Invoice Approvals enabled. The Include option that you select does not affect the list of projects that display in the drop-down list in the Project Selection field. All projects are included in the drop-down list.

The Include options are:

  • All Projects: Select this option to include invoices for all projects. This includes projects that require invoice approvals and those that do not.
    • For draft runs, this includes invoices that have not yet been submitted for approval if they require approval and all invoices that do not require approval that meet the project selection criteria in the Project Selection field.
    • For final runs, this includes draft invoices that have a status of Approved for projects that require approval and all draft invoices that do not require approval that meet the project selection criteria in the Project Selection field.
  • Only Projects with Approvals Enabled: Select this option to include invoices for only projects that require invoice approvals (Invoice Approvals is enabled on the Summary pane in a project's billing terms).
    • For projects that are part of billing groups: Vantagepoint looks at the Invoice Approvals setting in Billing Terms for the main project of a billing group to determine whether or not to include the invoices for the whole group of projects that make up the billing group.
    • For draft runs, only invoices with a New status are included in the run. Invoices with a Not Submitted, Approved, or Rejected status are not included.
    • For final runs, only approved invoices that meet the project selection criteria in the Project Selection field are included in the run.
  • Only Projects without Approvals Enabled: Select this option to include invoices for only projects that do not require invoices to be approved (Invoice Approvals is not enabled in a project's billing terms) that also meet the project selection criteria in the Project Selection field.

    For projects that are part of billing groups: Vantagepoint looks at the Invoice Approvals setting in Billing Terms for the main project of a billing group to determine whether or not to include the invoices for the whole group of projects that make up the billing group.

Override Billing Terms for this Invoice Creation Section

Field Description
Outstanding AR

Select one of the following options for printing outstanding accounts receivable on invoices in the batch:

  • Always Print: Select this option to print outstanding accounts receivable for all of the projects included in this Batch Billing run, regardless of the AR Printing settings on the Format tab in Billing Terms for a project.
  • Billing Terms: Select this option to print outstanding accounts receivable on a project-by-project basis, according to the AR Printing setting on the Format tab in Billing Terms for a project.
  • Never Print: Select this option to bypass printing outstanding accounts receivable for the projects included in this Batch Billing run, regardless of the options specified in the AR Printing section of the Format tab in Billing Terms for a project.
Include Invoices with Zero Amount Due

Select one of the following options for printing invoices with zero amount due in the batch:

  • Always Print: Select this option to print invoices for all projects, regardless of the Print Invoices with Zero Amount Due setting on the Format tab in Billing Terms for a project.
  • Billing Terms: Select this option to print invoices with no current billings on a project-by-project basis, according to the Print Invoices with Zero Amount Due setting on the Format tab in Billing Terms for a project. When this check box is selected on the Billing Terms form, Vantagepoint includes projects in the run that have no current billings, providing the projects have fee terms established and/or outstanding accounts receivable. Deltek recommends this option for Fee projects.
  • Never Print: Select this option to bypass printing invoices for projects with no current billings, regardless of the Print Invoices with Zero Amount Due setting on the Format tab in Billing Terms for a project. If the Print Invoices with Only AR option is set to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options, then invoices without current activity, but with outstanding accounts receivable, will print; this happens even if you do not select the Never Print option.
Billed To Date

Select one of the following options for printing billed-to-date amounts on invoices in the batch:

  • Always Print: Select this option to print the billed-to-date amount for all of the projects included in this Batch Billing run, regardless of the settings on the Format tab in Billing Terms for a project.
  • Billing Terms: Select this option to print the billed-to-date amounts on a project-by-project basis, according to the Billed-to-date printing options on the Format tab in Billing Terms for a project.
  • Never Print: Select this option to bypass printing billed-to-date for the projects included in this Batch Billing run, regardless of the settings on the Format tab in Billing Terms for a project.
Invoice Template

Select a template to use for all invoices to be printed during this Batch Billing run. For this Batch Billing run only, this overrides the default invoice template set on a project-by-project basis on the Format tab in Billing Terms for a project.

You can use this option, for example, when all draft invoices use a single draft template, but final invoices use a variety of templates.

Billing Backup

Select one of the following options for printing Billing Backup reports in the batch:

  • Always Print: Select this option to print billing backup information for all of the projects included in this Batch Billing run, whether or not the Print Backup Report check box is selected for those projects on the Billing Backup tab of the Billing Terms for a project.
  • Billing Terms: Select this option to print billing backup information on a project-by-project basis, according to the Print Backup Report check box on the Billing Backup tab in Billing Terms for a project.
  • Never Print: Select this option to bypass printing billing backup information for the projects included in this Batch Billing run, regardless of the Print Backup Report check box on the Billing Backup tab in Billing Terms for a project.

If your enterprise uses multiple languages in Vantagepoint, the Billing Backup report is generated in the same language as the associated invoice.

If you use the an invoice approval process for invoices, the Billing Backup options allow you to view the Billing Backup report for previewing submitted invoices in Billing > Invoice Approvals or Hubs > Projects > Draft Invoice Approvals.

Use Default Terms for Draft Invoices

Select this check box if you want Vantagepoint to use the default billing terms (Settings > Billing > Default Terms) for all projects that do not have billing terms established.

Sort Invoices Section

Field Description

Select the option for your first sort when printing invoices, such as Billing Client Number, Biller Name, or Organization.

Some of the sort options are default labels, which may have been tailored in your application to meet your company's business requirements. Contact your system administrator for information about the labels that your company uses.

If your company added user-defined fields to the Projects hub, these fields also appear as sort options for the sort fields on this tab.

Invoices are sorted in alphabetical order by project name or number, based on the option selected from the Project field, and in all sort fields (First, Second, Third) in the corresponding order. For example, If you select Project Manager as your first sort, and Client as your second sort, the invoice associated with Project Manager Scott Andersen and client Ace Builders will print before the invoice associated with Project Manager Scott Andersen and client Blue Builders.


Select the option that you want to use as your second sort when printing invoices.

Some of the sort options are default labels, which may have been tailored in your application to meet your company's business requirements. Contact your system administrator for information about the labels that your company uses.

If your company added user-defined fields to the Projects hub, these fields also appear as sort options for the sort fields on this tab.

Invoices are sorted in alphabetical order, based on the option selected from the Project field, and in all sort fields (First, Second, Third) in the corresponding order.


Select the option that you want to use as your third sort when printing invoices.

Some of the sort options are default labels, which may have been tailored in your application to meet your company's business requirements. Contact your system administrator for information about the labels that your company uses.

If your company added user-defined fields to the Projects hub, these fields also appear as sort options for the sort fields on this tab.

Invoices are sorted in alphabetical order, based on the option selected in the Project field, and in all sort fields (First, Second, Third) in the corresponding order.


Select whether you want to sort invoices by the project Name or project Number.