Invoice Archive Tab of the Batch Billing Form

Use this tab to preview or print previously generated invoices from a Batch Billing run and print Batch Invoice List reports and Unbilled Detail reports.

On this tab, you can preview and print only invoices that were previously generated by the same user.

Invoices created through Interactive Billing do not display on this tab. Invoices and reports are deleted from this tab on a schedule that is based on the number of hours entered in the Retain Invoices for Up To field in the Invoice Distribution section of the Invoice Creation tab of the Batch Billing form when you select the Print from Invoice Archive check box in the Invoice Distribution section.


Invoice Archive Grid

The rows in this grid contain previous Batch Billing runs for draft or final invoices.

Invoice Archive Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Refresh Select a Batch Billing run in the grid, and click this option to display all individual invoices included in the selected run. If you click this tab after generating a draft or final group of bills, the current batch is highlighted in the Batch Billing Runs grid and all invoices from the current run are listed in the Invoice Archive grid. If you select another run on the Batch Billing Runs grid and then select this option, you can display all invoices in the highlighted run in the Invoice Archive grid.
Click this icon to maximize the grid display. Click it again to return to the normal view.
Click this icon to export data from the grid into a CSV (comma-separated value) file. For more information, see Exporting Data to a CSV File.
Click this icon to filter the grid contents based on values in the grid columns.

Invoice Archive Grid Fields

Field Description
Run Date This field displays the date and time that the Batch Billing run was generated.
Run Description This field displays the description of the Batch Billing run, as specified on the Invoice Creation tab.
Invoices If the invoice is a draft, the word Draft displays in this column. If the invoice is final, the invoice number displays in this column. For Batch Invoice Lists, this field is blank. If the report includes multiple projects for a draft run that generates a single report, this field is blank.

Leading zeros may or may not display in this field, depending on how your firm has configured the display of leading zeros in invoice numbers in Settings > Billing > Options.

Pages This field displays the number of pages included in the invoice or report.
Invoice List A check in this check box indicates that the Batch Invoice List report was included with the Batch Billing run.
Expiration Date This field displays the date and time that the batch of invoices will be removed from the grid, based on the number of hours that were entered in the Retain Invoices for Up To field in the Invoice Distribution section of the Invoice Creation tab on the Batch Billing form. The Retain Invoices for Up To field displays in the Invoice Distribution section when you select the Print from Invoice Archive check box in that section.

Row Tools

Select a row in the grid, click at the end of the row, and then select one of the following options to perform for the row:

Field Description
Print Invoices Select this option to preview the invoices in the selected Batch Billing run. The invoices preview and print in the format (PDF, RFT, or DOC) that you select by clicking Other Actions > Preview File Type on the actions bar of the Batch Billing form.
Print Invoice List This option displays if the Invoice List check box in the selected row is selected, which indicates that the Batch Invoice List report was included in the Batch Billing run. Select Print Invoice List to print the Batch Invoice List report for the Batch Billing run. The report previews and prints in the format (PDF, RFT, or DOC) that you select by clicking Other Actions > Preview File Type on the actions bar of the Batch Billing form.
Delete Run Select this option to delete the selected Batch Billing run.