Actions Bar for Draft Invoice Approvals

Use the Actions bar to approve or reject invoices, print invoices, and select billing session options.

Commonly Used Actions

Field Description
Print Click this action to print the invoice as is to a printer. Do this to review the invoice before creating a final invoice.

This action is available only if the approval status of the invoice is Submitted and you are an approver for the project's invoices.

Click this action to approve the selected invoice for billing. An alert is sent to the user defined in the invoice approval process to direct them to final accept the invoice.

If you have Use Markup on Draft Invoices set to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options: When you approve a draft invoice, all the annotations and comments for it are saved. On the Draft Invoice Comments dialog that displays, you can add general comments or feedback as needed. You could add comments here that are not specific to the details on the PDF of the draft invoice.

If you have Use Markup on Draft Invoices set to No in Settings > Billing > Options: You must click OK on the Draft Invoice Comments dialog box that opens when you click Approve to complete the approval. If you click Cancel, the invoice approval status does not change.

After you approve an invoice, you can no longer make changes to the invoice information or transaction detail in Draft Invoice Approvals. To make changes, open the invoice on the Interactive Billing form in Billing > Interactive Billing.


This action is available only if the approval status of the invoice is Submitted and you are a rejecter for the project's invoices.

Click this action if you do not want to approve the invoice. An alert is sent to the person responsible for billing the invoice to notify them of the rejection.

If you have Use Markup on Draft Invoices set to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options: When you reject a draft invoice, all the annotations and comments entered for it are saved. On the Draft Invoice comments dialog box that displays, you can add general comments or feedback, as appropriate, about why you are rejecting the invoice.

If you have Use Markup on Draft Invoices set to No in Settings > Billing > Options: The Draft Invoice Comments dialog box opens when you click Reject. Enter comments to explain the reason for the rejection. You must click OK on the Draft Invoice Comments dialog box to complete the rejection. If you click Cancel, the invoice approval status does not change.

When you reject an invoice, the transactions billed on the invoice, the billing session options, and the approval comments are still included and associated with the invoice. You must make any changes to the invoice information or transaction detail in Interactive Billing, not Draft Invoice Approvals.

Other Actions

Select the following actions from the Other Actions drop-down menu:

Field Description
Include New Transactions On the Labor, Expense, and Units tabs, a transaction that is eligible for billing based on the billing session options has a New status if the transaction was not linked to the invoice at the time that it was submitted for approval. For example, a transaction that was transferred to the project after the invoice was submitted would have New in Invoice Status. If the invoice has been submitted, a transaction with New in Invoice Status will not be included on the invoice. If you want to include all transactions with New in Invoice Status on the invoice, click Include New Transactions. Vantagepoint then changes the status to Submitted for those transactions.

This action is not available if the invoice has been downloaded to Microsoft Word or another application for editing.

If you use the Invoice Approvals feature: When you transfer a labor, expense, or unit transaction within a project or within a billing group in Interactive Billing or Draft Invoice Approvals, the transferred transaction record retains the same status (New, Submitted, or Approved) as the original transaction. If you are transferring to a different project, the transferred transaction is assigned a New status.

Go To Invoice Approval Click this action to open the Invoice Approvals form and display a summary of all invoices in the approval process for which you are defined as approver, rejecter, or biller.

If you used the Open in Draft Invoices option on the Invoices grid row on the Invoice Approvals form to display an invoice on the Draft Invoices Approvals form, clicking this option returns you to the Invoice Approvals form.

Billing Session Options Click this action to view or change some of the settings and options that were entered for the selected invoice on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing before the invoice was generated and then submitted for approval. You can change certain information on the dialog box for the invoice, such as the invoice date, but other information on the dialog box is display-only that you cannot change. To change the display-only information, you can unsubmit the invoice for approval and reprocess the invoice again and enter the correct settings on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing. For more details, see Billing Session Options.