Header Fields for the Interactive Billing Form

Use these fields at the top of the form to select a project with an invoice that you want to view or generate.


When you open the Interactive Billing form, it displays the last project that you most recently had open.

Field Description
Project search

Use the fields next to the form title to search for and select a project for which you want to review billing information or generate a billing invoice. Projects with or without billing terms specified are included in the search results.

Only projects that are approved for use in processing are available for selection. The Approved for Use in Processing setting is on the Accounting tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub.

If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, you can select only projects for the active company that you are working in. The name of the active company displays on the right side of the main toolbar.

If you have set up billing groups, you can select the main project, or one of its sub-projects that are in the active company if you have multiple companies. Billing groups combine multiple projects to allow you to bill several projects together on one invoice.

Click the filter drop-down arrow on the left side of the search field, and select one of the following search types to filter the list of projects:

  • All: This displays a list of all active projects to which you have access.
  • Project Manager: This displays a list of all active projects for which you are the project manager at any level of the work breakdown structure (WBS).
  • Principal-In-Charge: This displays a list of all active projects for which you are the principal at any level of the WBS.
  • Supervisor: This displays a list of all active projects for which you are the supervisor at any level of the WBS.
  • Organization: This filter displays if you have configured Vantagepoint to use organizations. This displays a list of all active projects that are assigned at any WBS level to the organization to which you are assigned in the Employees hub.
  • [Organization level filters]: These filters display if you have configured Vantagepoint to use organizations. Select one of your organization structure levels to select from a list of active projects that are assigned, at any WBS level, to an organization with the same value at the selected organization level as the organization to which you are assigned in the Employees hub. These options are available only if Vantagepoint is configured to use organizations.
  • Legacy Searches: This displays a list that is based on searches from a previous version of the application or from legacy systems. Although you cannot modify a legacy search, you can build a new search based on a legacy search. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. Click Delete and Start Over to build a new search based on the legacy search.
  • My Searches: This displays a list of projects based on your personal search. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. You can then update your personal search for future use.
  • Shared Searches: This displays a list of projects based on a search shared with other team members and roles. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. You can then update the shared search for future use.
  • + New Search: Select this link to create a new search for projects. Use both basic and advanced search features on the New Search dialog box to refine search criteria.

For information about creating and using searches, see the Search Vantagepoint help topics.

x of x Use these arrow icons to scroll through and display on the Interactive Billing form a project from the search results. The numbers show you which record you are viewing out of the total number of records from the search results.

This icon displays to the left of the project name if a project has more than one work breakdown structure (WBS) level or it has a linked promotional project. Click this icon to open the Project Structure dialog box and then select the WBS level for which you want to display billing information on the Interactive Billing form and its tabs. This allows you to view and bill costs from a specific WBS level of a project. If a project has a promotional project associated with it that was used to track the costs of the in-pursuit project, you are able to bill costs from the promotional project.

On the Project Structure dialog box, use the Pending Accounting Review setting to filter the items on the dialog box to show only the WBS items that are awaiting accounting review. A WBS element has a pending accounting review if the Approved for Use in Processing check box on the Accounting tab of the Projects form in Hubs > Projects > Project is cleared (not selected) for that element. If all elements in the WBS are approved for use in processing, the Pending Accounting Review setting does not display on the dialog box.

For more information, see Project Structure Dialog Box.

If the project belongs to a billing group, click this icon next to the project name to display the Billing Group dialog box. This dialog box displays the projects in the billing group, along with any lower-level WBS elements, so you can select another project or lower-level WBS element for which you want to display billing information on the Interactive Billing form.

Also from the Billing Group dialog box, you determine whether or not to filter the WBS to show only the WBS elements that are awaiting accounting review. A WBS element has a pending accounting review if the Approved for Use in Processing check box on the Accounting tab of the Projects form (Hubs > Projects > Project) is not selected for that element.

If all elements in the WBS are approved for use in processing, this option is not available.

Project Name and Number The name and number of the project that you select displays at the top of the form. If the project has multiple work breakdown structure levels and you click and select a specific level WBS level, that level's name also displays here.
Invoice Date This field displays the invoice date that will show on the next invoice that you generate, based on the invoice date that you entered in the Billing Session Options dialog box for this Interactive Billing session. Hover over this field and click to change the invoice date. The change that you make here also updates the invoice date on the Billing Session Options dialog box.
Period This field displays the accounting period start and end date that will show on the next invoice to generate, based on the period start and end dates that you entered in the Billing Session Options dialog box for this session. These dates do not filter the transactions to include on an invoice that display on the Labor, Expense, and Units tabs. Hover over this field and click to change the period for the invoice. The change that you make here also updates the invoice date on the Billing Session Options dialog box.
Bill Through Date

This field displays the bill-through date that is currently entered on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing that applies to the invoice. The bill-through date determines the labor, expense, and unit transactions that are displayed on the tabs in Interactive Billing that you can choose to include on an invoice. Hover over this field and click to change the bill-through date for the invoice. The change that you make here also updates the bill-through date on the Billing Session Options dialog box.

If you use draft invoice approvals, the bill-through date represents the values associated with the submitted, draft invoice. For projects without draft invoice approval, the values are from the current billing session options.

Bill Through Period

This displays the bill-through period that is currently entered on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing that applies to the invoice. The bill-through period determines the labor, expense, and unit transactions that are displayed on the tabs in Interactive Billing that you can include on an invoice. Hover over this field and click to change the bill-through period for the invoice. The change that you make here also updates the bill-through period on the Billing Session Options dialog box.

If you use draft invoice approvals, the bill-through period represents the values associated with the submitted, draft invoice. For projects without draft invoice approval, the values are from the current billing session options.