Fees Tab of the Interactive Billing Form

Use this tab to update fee amounts and percent complete on a fee-based invoice before you generate the invoice.

If you need to make other changes to a project's fees, such as updating the fee method or adding new phases, you must do that on the Fees tab in the project's billing terms.

Your access to the fields on this tab depends on the access that is set up for your security role, such as access to the Billing Terms application, access to a project record and whether this access is read-only, modify, add/edit, or full.

If a project does not have fee billing specified in its billing terms, this tab says "Fee billing terms are not defined" and the tab is blank.


Toolbar Options for the Grids on the Fees Tab

The following options are included on the toolbar for each grid on the Fees tab:

Field Description
Click this icon to maximize the grid to a full screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click it again to return to the standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to export the grid contents to a comma-separated values (.csv) file. Expand the WBS structure that you want to include prior to clicking the Export icon. For more information, see Exporting Data to a .csv File.
Click this icon to turn the filter row on or off in the grid. The filter row is used to quickly search for a report. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.

Fees Grid

Use this grid to view and update the percentage of work that is complete for the project.

Fees Grid Fields

The fields that display in this grid and whether they are view-only or editable vary, based on the settings that are selected on the Fees tab for a project's billing terms. For example, fields that are related to fee calculations are view-only.

When the Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category check box is selected on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms, a row for each billing category or revenue category is included in the grid, and you view or enter fee information for the billing category or revenue category.

Field Description
Category This field displays if the Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category check box is selected on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms. A row for each billing category or revenue category is included in the grid. This field displays the billing category or revenue category.

View or enter the total fee amount for the project. Or, if this grid has a Category field (the Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category check box is selected on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms), view or enter the fee amount for a billing category.

This field is not applicable for some combinations of billing term options. Vantagepoint does not display this field if it does not apply for the options that you selected.

Percent Complete

View or enter the overall percent complete for the project. Or, if this grid has a Category field (the Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category check box is selected on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms), view or enter the overall percent complete for a billing category.

This field is always synchronized with the Fee to Date field. If you enter a percentage in this field, Vantagepoint calculates and displays the fee-to-date amount, and if you enter an amount in Fee to Date, Vantagepoint calculates and displays the percent complete.

This field is not applicable for some combinations of billing term options. Vantagepoint does not display this field if it does not apply for the options that you selected.

Fee to Date

View or enter the amount of the fee that your company has earned to date for the project. Or, if this grid has a Category field (the Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category check box is selected on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms), view or enter the amount of the fee that your company has earned to date for a billing category.

Vantagepoint calculates the fee amount for the invoice as Fee to Date minus Billed to Date. As a result, you can use this field to control the amount that appears on the invoice. For example, if your billing currency is dollars, you can ensure that the fee on the invoice is in whole dollars.

This field is always synchronized with the Percent Complete or Pct Compl field. If you enter an amount in this field, Vantagepoint calculates and displays the percent complete, and if you enter a percentage in Percent Complete or Pct Compl,Vantagepoint calculates and displays the fee-to-date amount.

This field is not applicable for some combinations of billing term options. Vantagepoint does not display this field if it does not apply for the options that you selected.

Prior Fee Billing

View or enter the amount of the fee that your company has billed to date for the project. Or, if this grid has a Category field (the Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category check box is selected on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms), view or enter the amount of the fee that your company has billed to date for a billing category.

You can change the amount in this field if Override Prior Fee is set to Yes in Settings > Billing > Fee.
Current Fee This field displays Fee minus Prior Fee Billing, which it the total fee amount for the project or billing category minus the prior fee billed to date.

Fee Billing Phases Grid

This grid is included on the Fees tab when the Fee Method field is set to Percent Complete by Phase, as Fixed Amount or Percent Complete by Phase, as Percent of Fee in a project's billing terms. When you make changes in this grid, the Fees grid is updated with the changes.

A billing phase is not necessarily the same thing as a work breakdown structure phase. For more information, see Billing Phases.

Fee Billing Phases Grid Fields

Field Description
Group This field displays the phase group that is associated with the billing phase. Billing phases with no associated phase group are printed at the bottom of the grouped phases on the invoice, without a header and subtotal.

This field displays the phase to which you can post revenue for the billing phase.

This field is enabled if both of the following apply:

  • The project selected in the Project field has at least two levels of work breakdown structure.
  • The project's billing terms has Enable Posting by Billing Phase turned on in the Fee Billing Phases grid on the Fees tab.
Name This field displays the billing phase name or description.
Pct Compl

View or enter a percentage to represent the amount of work that is completed for the billing phase. Vantagepoint uses this and the Pct of Fee value to calculate the fee earned for each billing phase on the invoice. If Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category is selected on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms, the percent complete in this field applies to all categories. For the Percent Complete by Phase, as Fixed Amount fee method, you can enter a percent complete for the phase in this field, or you can enter percent completes for each billing category in the phase billing category grid and let Vantagepoint calculate an overall percent complete for the phase.

This field is always synchronized with the Fee to Date field. If you enter a percentage in this field, Vantagepoint calculates and displays the fee-to-date amount. If you enter an amount in Fee to Date, Vantagepoint calculates and displays the percent complete.

Fee to Date

Enter the amount of the phase fee that your company has earned to date.

This field displays only if you select the Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category check box and Percent Complete by Phase, as Fixed Amount in Fee Method on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms. Vantagepoint calculates the amount based on your entries in the phase billing category grid.

Vantagepoint calculates the fee amount for the invoice as Fee to Date minus Billed to Date. As a result, you can use this field to control the amount that appears on the invoice. For example, if your billing currency is dollars, you can ensure that the fee on the invoice is in whole dollars.

This field is always synchronized with the Pct Compl field. If you enter an amount in this field, Vantagepoint calculates and displays the percent complete, and if you enter a percentage in Pct Compl, Vantagepoint calculates and displays the fee-to-date amount.

Pct of Fee

Enter the percent of the total fee for the project that will be earned for this billing phase. Vantagepoint uses this and the Pct Compl value to calculate the fee earned for each billing phase on the invoice.

This field displays only if you select Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category and you set Fee Method to Percent Complete by Phase, as Fixed Amount on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms.

Billed to Date

Enter the amount of the fee billed to the client as of the current date.

This field displays only if you select Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms. If you set Fee Method to Percent Complete by Phase, as Fixed Amount on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms, Vantagepoint calculates the amount based on your entries in the phase billing category grid.

If Enter Prior Fee Billing in Billing Terms is not selected on the Fees tab of Billing Setup, this field is not available.

Current Fee This field displays the fee-to-date amount minus the billed-to-date amount for a phase if the fee method for a project is "Percent Complete by Phase, as Percent of Fee" or "Percent Complete by Phase, as Fixed Amount." The total amount of all the current fees in the grid displays at the bottom of the column.

Billing Phase Category Grid

The Billing Phase Category grid appears below the Fee Billing Phases grid. It is enabled for editing only if you select Percent Complete by Phase, as Fixed Amount in the Fee Method field and you select Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms.

Billing Phase Category Grid Fields

Select a phase in the Fee Billing Phases grid and then use this grid to view or enter phase fee information for each billing phase category.

Field Description
Billing Category If Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category is selected on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms, this field displays the revenue category of the fee line item in the grid.

If Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category is not selected on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms, this field does not display.

This field is not applicable for some combinations of billing term options. Vantagepoint does not display this field if it does not apply for the options that you selected.

Billing Category Select the billing category for which you want to enter fee information for the billing phase that is currently selected in the Billing Phases grid.
Fee Enter the total fee amount for this billing phase and billing category.
Pct Compl Enter a percentage to represent the amount of work completed for the billing phase and billing category to date.

This field is always synchronized with the Fee to Date field. If you enter a percentage in this field, Vantagepoint calculates and displays the fee-to-date amount, and if you enter an amount in Fee to Date, Vantagepoint calculates and displays the percent complete.

Fee to Date Enter the amount of the billing phase fee that your company has earned for the billing category to date.

Vantagepoint calculates the fee amount for the invoice as Fee to Date - Billed to Date. As a result, you can use this field to control the amount that appears on the invoice. For example, if your billing currency is dollars, you can ensure that the fee on the invoice is in whole dollars.

This field is always synchronized with the Pct Compl field. If you enter an amount in this field, Vantagepoint calculates and displays the percent complete, and if you enter a percentage in Pct Compl, Vantagepoint calculates and displays the fee-to-date amount.

Billed to Date Enter the amount of the fee billed to the client as of the current date for the billing phase and billing category.

If Enter Prior Fee Billing in Billing Terms is not selected on the Fees tab of Billing Setup, this field is not available.

Fee Schedule Grid

This grid is included on the tab when the Scheduled Billing check box is selected on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms.

Fee Schedule Grid Fields

Field Description
Date Select the date on which the percentage or fixed amount associated with this milestone should be billed to the client. This date does not print on the invoice. It is used to determine the current fee amount for the next invoice to be generated for a particular client in Batch Billing or Interactive Billing.
Billing Category

This field displays only if Fee Method is set to Cumulative Unit or Fee for the project and the Allocate Billed Revenue on Fee Invoices Based on Category check box is selected on the Fees tab in billing terms.

Select the billing category for which you want to enter fee information for the scheduled billing date.

Pct Compl

Enter a cumulative percentage of the total amount to bill for this invoice. For example, if the first milestone is 10% and the second is 20%, then the second milestone you are billing is another 10% (making the billed to date 20% of the total). The final milestone should have a Pct Compl value of 100%.

This field is available only if you select Overall Percent Complete, Percent Complete by Phase, as Fixed Amount or Percent Complete by Phase, as Percent of Fee in the Fee Method field on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms.


This field displays only if you select Current Unit or Fee or Cumulative Unit or Fee in the Fee Method field on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms.

Enter a cumulative currency amount or unit quantity, depending on the entries in Fee Method and Fee Basis on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms. The entry in Fee Basis determines whether you enter units or amounts. The entry in Fee Method determines how the grid is populated:

  • If the Fee Method is Current Unit or Fee on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms, the grid displays the same amount in each row.
  • If the Fee Method is Cumulative Unit or Fee on the Fees tab in a project's billing terms, the amount or unit quantity that you enter for each milestone should increase from one milestone to the next. The amount of the last milestone is the total billed amount or the total number of units. The amount that is billed for a particular milestone is the amount that is entered in this field minus the previous billed amounts.

If this check box is selected, the milestone has been final billed. If this check box is not selected, the milestone has not yet been billed. Interactive Billing and Batch Billing take into consideration only milestones that have not yet been billed.

If you need to manually bill an invoice associated with a milestone, you can adjust the dates on the Billing Session Options dialog box of Interactive Billing. When prompted, accept the milestone to mark the item Billed in the Billing Schedule. Alternatively, you can delete the item from the schedule, and then create the invoice from Interactive Billing.

If you converted to Vantagepoint from another application that you used to track milestones in a particular billing schedule, enter only those milestones that are yet to be billed in the future. The billed-to-date value of a cumulative billing method is the same value as the previous fee billing (either entered in Billing Terms or calculated based on posted invoices), so you do not need to enter previous milestones as part of history loading.