Editing Invoices in a Third-Party Application

In Interactive Billing, you can download an invoice that was created by Vantagepoint to your workstation, edit it in third-party software, and then upload the edited invoice back into Vantagepoint.

This edited invoice will be used instead of an invoice generated by Vantagepoint for the project. For example, you may want to edit an invoice's formatting in third-party software before you final accept and finish processing the invoice in Interactive Billing.

Before you download an invoice to third-party software, check whether the functionality offered in Billing Settings, Billing Terms, or the Invoice Template Editor can meet your needs instead.

Third-party applications that you can use to edit invoices are Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Adobe Acrobat. Alternatively, you can save the invoice as an RTF (Rich Text Format) file, which lets you open and edit the invoice in any word processing program such as WordPad.

Summary of the Steps for Editing Invoices in Third-Party Software

Step Action Location
1 After you select the transactions to include on an invoice on the Labor, Expense, and Units tabs in Interactive Billing, download and save an invoice to your workstation. Interactive Billing: Other Actions > Download for Editing on the Actions bar.
2 Edit the invoice using third-party software. Other software, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Adobe Acrobat.
3 Upload the edited invoice file to your Vantagepoint application server, which links the edited invoice file to the project. Interactive Billing: Other Actions > Upload Invoice on the Actions bar.
4 If you make further edits to an uploaded invoice, you must upload it again. Interactive Billing: Other Actions > Upload Invoice on the Actions bar.
5 Final accept the invoice. Interactive Billing: Accept on the Actions bar.

IMPORTANT: Changes that You Make to Invoice Amounts and Calculations

Any changes that you make to invoice amounts or calculations in third-party software are not be recorded in Vantagepoint.

If you change amounts in invoices outside of Vantagepoint and you want the amounts to be updated in Vantagepoint, make any necessary changes on the Invoice Accept dialog box in Interactive Billing during the last steps of accepting an invoice.

Invoice Numbers for Edited Invoices

Before you download an invoice to edit in third-party software, you can click Other Actions > Assign Invoice Number on the Actions bar in Interactive Billing to reserve an invoice number for the edited invoice. If you do not reserve the invoice number now, do it before you accept the final invoice. If you do not assign an invoice number, Vantagepoint automatically assigns the next available invoice number when you accept the invoice.

If you set the Print Invoice Number on Draft Invoice option to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options, the invoice number that you reserved using the Assign Invoice Number action is automatically added in the upper right of the edited invoice when you open the invoice in the third-party software. If you did not select this option in Billing Settings, you must manually enter the reserved invoice number that you selected using the Assign Invoice Number action.

Accessing Edited Invoices from Vantagepoint

You can open an edited invoice in the third-party software directly from Interactive Billing by clicking the Edited Invoice on File link below the Invoice Number field on the General tab in Interactive Billing. This link displays on the tab after you upload the invoice to Vantagepoint. Each time that you edit an uploaded invoice in the third-party software, you must use the Upload Invoice action in Interactive Billing to update the link again between the updated invoice file and the project to ensure that it opens the most recent copy of the edited invoice file.

You can also preview an edited invoice from the Invoice Approvals form or Interactive Approvals form.

Editing Invoices in Interactive Billing and Using Markup on Draft Invoices

The following information applies if you set Use Invoice Approvals to Yes and also set Use Markup on Draft invoices to Yes on the Options form in Settings > Billing > Options:

  • In Interactive Billing, invoices that have been downloaded, edited, and then uploaded back into Vantagepoint as a PDF file and then submitted for approval, display on the Draft Preview tab in Draft Invoice Approvals in the Projects hub and in Interactive Billing in the Billing application. On these tabs you can mark up the draft invoice PDF with annotations and comments. Edited invoices that are uploaded back into Vantagepoint as files with a type other than PDF display on the Invoice Preview tab in Draft Invoice Approvals, instead of the Draft Preview tab, and you cannot mark them up.
  • If you download an invoice for editing in Interactive Billing but do not upload it back into Vantagepoint as a PDF before you submit it for approval, the standard, Vantagepoint-generated invoice (not the edited invoice) is submitted for approval and displays on the Draft Preview tab in Draft Invoice Approvals and Interactive Billing.
  • If you unsubmit an edited and uploaded PDF invoice and then submit it again, the most recent uploaded, edited invoice displays on the Draft Preview tab in Draft Invoice Approvals and Interactive Billing.
  • In Interactive Billing, when you click Other Actions > Cancel Editing for an invoice that has been downloaded, edited, and uploaded back into Vantagepoint as a PDF file: If the invoice is already submitted, rejected, or approved, the invoice still displays on the Draft Preview tab in Draft Invoice Approvals and Interactive Billing.

Printing Edited Invoices

If you link an edited invoice to a project, when the final invoice is printed in Interactive Billing, it prints the edited invoice rather than the standard invoice that would have been created by the Vantagepoint Billing application.

When you preview or print billing invoice from other Vantagepoint applications, the edited invoice will print rather than the standard invoice from Vantagepoint. Other places in Vantagepoint that you can preview and print invoices include Hubs > Projects > Invoices, Hubs > Firms > AR Review, and on the Invoice History tab in Interactive Billing.

Your Ability to Download and Upload Invoices

You can download, edit, and upload an invoice only if your security role allows you to edit and upload billing invoices (the Allow Edit/Upload check box is selected on the Accounting tab in Settings > Security > Roles).