Draft Preview Tab of the Interactive Billing Form

On this tab you review, and make annotations and comments on, the current PDF of a draft invoice that has been submitted, approved, or rejected.

This tab displays if all of the following apply:

  • In Settings > Billing > Options, Use Invoice Approvals and Use Markup on Draft Invoices are both set to Yes.
  • The project for the invoice (or main project in a billing group) that you have open on the Interactive Billing form has invoice approvals enabled (specified in the Summary pane of the project's billing terms).

Typically the invoice biller uses this tab to review the markup that one or more approvers made to the draft invoice PDF on the Draft Invoice Preview tab in Draft Invoice Approvals (in the Projects hub). The markup shows the invoice changes that the approvers want the biller to make before the biller accepts and sends a final invoice to the customer. These changes could involve removing transactions from the invoice (putting them on hold or transferring them to another project), changing the percent complete, and so on.

A biller can also add comments on the draft invoice PDF, to reply to the approvers about their annotations and comments, or to indicate that they have applied the approver's requested changes.

Contents of the Tab

Draft Invoice PDF

If a submitted, approved, or rejected draft invoice exists for the project, it displays on this tab. The draft invoices that display include the following:

  • Standard billing invoices that are created and submitted in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing.
  • Invoices that are downloaded, edited, and uploaded back into Vantagepoint as a PDF file, and submitted in Interactive Billing:
    • In Interactive Billing, if you download an invoice for editing, but do not upload it back into Vantagepoint as a PDF before you submit it for approval, the standard, Vantagepoint-generated invoice is submitted for approval and displays on the Draft Preview tab, instead of the edited invoice.
    • Invoices that are downloaded, edited, and uploaded back into Vantagepoint as files with a type other than PDF display on the Invoice Preview tab in Draft Invoice Approvals, instead of the Draft Preview tab, and you cannot directly mark them up. On the Invoice Preview tab, you can enter comments for the displayed invoice in the Invoice Preview pane.

Submitted, Resubmitted, and Unsubmitted Draft Invoices

The draft invoice PDF that displays on this tab reflects the contents of the invoice at the time it was submitted. Any changes that you make to the transaction detail or the fee percent complete for the invoice after you submit it do not get updated on the draft invoice PDF on this tab, unless you do either of the following:

  • After you make the changes to the invoice, you resubmit it (you submit it again), without first unsubmitting it: The resubmitted draft invoice with its changes displays on this tab, based on the current billing session options. Any annotations and comments made to the draft invoice PDF before you submitted it again are retained on the resubmitted draft invoice PDF. The annotations and comments may not line up in the exact locations as in the previous PDF, due to the changes you made to the invoice before you resubmitted it.
  • Unsubmit the invoice, make the changes to it, and then resubmit it (submit it again): When you unsubmit a draft invoice, it no longer displays on this tab. If you then make changes to the invoice and resubmit the invoice, the newly submitted draft invoice displays on this tab, based on the current billing session options. The draft invoice PDF does not contain any of the annotations or comments that were made before you unsubmitted it. You won't be able to access the annotations or comments that were on the draft invoice before you unsubmitted.

Supporting Documents and the Billing Backup Report

Any supporting documents and the Billing Backup report display with the draft invoice on this tab if these documents are selected for inclusion with a project's invoice, per the project's billing terms (on the Billing Backup tab in Billing Terms, in the Projects hub). In Batch Billing, the Billing Backup option in the Override Billing Terms section of the Invoice Creation tab also affects whether or not the Billing Backup report is included in the PDF.

You can also mark up supporting documents and the Billing Backup report with annotations and comments.

Multiple Approvers

If there are multiple approvers, the markup made by each one is visible to all approvers who are assigned to approve the invoice. While multiple approvers can make annotations to a draft invoice, only one approver can complete the approve or reject action for the invoice.

Identifying Who Made an Annotation or Comment

Hover over an annotation or comment on the draft invoice to display the name of the employee who made it and data and time it was made.

You can also click on the toolbar of this tab to open a markup panel and view a list of all the annotations and comments made on the draft invoice. The list includes the name of the employee who made the annotation or comment, as well as the date and time it was made. When you click an item in the list, it shows you the location of the annotation/comment on the draft invoice.

Main Toolbar on the Draft Preview Tab

On this tab, you see a main toolbar that has icons and options that allow you to:

  • Change how the draft invoice displays on the tab and how you move through the draft invoice.
  • Mark up the draft invoice with annotations and comments.
  • Search for text in the draft invoice.
  • View a list of all the annotations and comments and search, filter, and sort the list.
  • Print or download the draft invoice PDF.

Toolbar Options that Affect the Draft Invoice Display

Use these options on the left side of the main toolbar to change how you view, display, and scroll through the draft invoices.

Field Description

Click this icon to open a panel that displays to the left of the draft invoice. The options on this panel affect how the draft invoice displays on the tab and ways to navigate through the draft invoice. The options on this tab are:

  • : Click this icon to view and navigate the draft invoice and any supporting documents using smaller thumbnail images in this panel. Use the - and + slider above the thumbnail images to increase or decrease their size. Click a thumbnail to open that page of the draft invoice in the main display of the draft invoice.

    Click a thumbnail page, and then use or to rotate the thumbnail pages and the pages in the main display of the draft invoice.

    Click <little Delete>, to delete the selected page from the thumbnail page and the main display of the draft invoice.

  • : This icon applies if you have bookmarks in the draft invoice PDF. Click this icon to navigate through the draft invoice PDF by clicking the bookmarks in the Outlines pane.

Click the View Controls icon and then, from the drop-down list, select from the following options for viewing the pages in the draft invoice PDF on this tab:

Page Transition Options

  • Continuous Page
  • Page by Page

Page Orientation Options

  • Rotate Clockwise
  • Rotate Counterclockwise

Page Layout Options

  • Single Page: View one page at a time on the screen.
  • Double Page: View two pages at a time on the screen.
  • Cover Facing Page: View two pages at a time on the screen, with odd numbered pages on the left.
This displays the current magnification of the draft invoice. Click to select a different magnification.
Click this icon to zoom out and make the draft invoice display smaller on the screen.
Click this icon to zoom in and make the draft invoice display larger on the screen.
Click the Pan icon, and then click and drag on the draft invoice PDF to move the pages up and down. This is an alternative to using the vertical scroll bar on the right to move through the draft invoice.
Click the Select icon to

View Option

Click the View option to close a markup toolbar (Annotate, Shapes, or Insert) that is open and displayed on the screen.

Toolbar Options for Marking Up the Draft Invoice

Use the Annotate, Shapes, and Insert markup options on the main toolbar to add annotations and comments on the draft invoice PDF. When you click one of these options, the toolbar for that markup option displays below the main toolbar and above the draft invoice PDF.

General Steps to Add an Annotation or Comment on the Draft Invoice, Using Any of the Markup Tools:

  1. On the markup toolbar, click the icon for the tool that you want to use, to turn it on.
  2. To select the settings for the tool, select an option in the presets field on the toolbar.
  3. Click or click and drag your mouse on the draft invoice to locate and create the annotation on the draft invoice.

Presets field

Each markup toolbar has a presets field (located to the left of the Undo icon). This field is empty when no markup tool is selected on the toolbar. After you select a markup tool, this field displays the preset options for the selected tool. Click a preset option to use for the tool.

For example, after you click on the Annotate toolbar to highlight text, the presets field displays preset colors that you can choose for the highlighting color.

To view or change the settings for a preset option, click the preset option and then click beside it. This opens a panel that contains all the possible settings for the preset. For example, the settings could include color options, text font size, and so on.

To change the setting for a preset after you have added annotations or comments to the draft invoice: Click the item on the draft invoice, and then click color palette icon that displays below the annotation.

If a markup option does not have preset options, you see No Presets in the field.

Turning Off a Markup Tool

After you click an icon on any of the markup toolbars and use the markup tool, click the icon again or press ESC on your keyboard to turn off the tool.

Saving Markup

Any annotations that you make to a draft invoice on the Draft Preview tab in either Draft Invoice Approvals or Interactive Billing are saved automatically when you leave the application or when you reject or approve the draft invoice. However, you must directly save each comment that you add. For example, after you click the on the Annotate toolbar and click a location on the draft invoice to place the comment bubble, you enter a comment for the bubble in the markup panel to the right of the draft invoice. After you enter the comment, you must click Save on the markup panel to save the comment.

The changes that you enter and save on the Draft Preview tab in Interactive Billing are automatically saved on the corresponding Draft Preview tab in Draft Invoice Approvals and vice versa.

Deleting Markup

To delete annotations and comments, do any of the following:

  • Click the undo icon on the markup toolbar to delete the most recent markup action that you performed.
  • Click the markup item on the draft invoice and then click in the shortcut menu below the item.
  • Click on the main toolbar, and in the markup list find the markup item to delete. Click in the markup item's box, click , and then click Delete from the drop-down list.
  • Use the eraser icon on the toolbar.


Click this option to open the Annotate toolbar, which displays below the main toolbar. See the following topic for descriptions of the icons on the Annotate toolbar: Annotate Toolbar on the Draft Preview Tab in Interactive Billing.


Click this option to open the Shapes toolbar, which displays below the main toolbar. See the following topic for descriptions of the icons on the Shapes toolbar: Shapes Toolbar on the Draft Preview Tab in Interactive Billing.


Click this option to open the Insert toolbar, which displays below the main toolbar. See the following topic for descriptions of the icons on the Insert toolbar: Insert Toolbar on the Draft Preview Tab in Interactive Billing.

Toolbar Options for Searches, Markup List, Revisions, and Other Settings

These icons display on the right side of the main toolbar for the draft invoice.

Field Description
Click this icon to search for text in the draft invoice. This search does not look for text that is entered as comments on the draft invoice.

Click this icon to open a panel that shows you a list of all the markup added to the draft invoice. The list provides information about each annotation and comment. When you click an item in the list, an arrow points to the markup on the draft invoice, so you can easily see where it is located. You can also perform a search, apply a filter, or enter sort-by criteria to find or change the items that display in the markup list.

This is the same panel that automatically opens when you use a markup tool, such as and enter a comment.

Markup List Panel Contents

On this panel, use the Search comments field to enter text to find an item in the markup list. You can search for markup by comment text or by the name of the employee who entered the markup.

Use the Filter button to narrow the markup items that display in the list. You can filter by the employee who entered the markup or by the type of markup (Free Text, Strikeout, Underline, and so on).

Use the Sort by field to order the items in the markup list by any of the following:

  • Position: The physical location (from top to bottom) in the draft invoice.
  • Time: The date and time that the annotation or comment was made, with the most recent annotation/comment listed first.
  • Status: The status of the comment of the annotation or comment (Accepted, Canceled, Completed, Rejected, Marked, and None), listed in alphabetical order.
  • Author: The employee who entered the annotation or comment, listed in alphabetical order.
  • Type: The type of the annotation or comment (Free Text, Note, Underline, and so on), listed in alphabetical order.

Each Item in the Markup List

This list displays each markup item in a separate box in the list.

The box includes the following information and other options for a markup item:

  • Markup icon: A markup icon identifies the type of annotation or comment. For example, you see , , , and so on.
  • Name of the employee who entered the markup
  • Date and time stamp when the markup was entered
  • A small, gray comments bubble with a number beside it displays to the right of the date and time to indicate the number of replies (if any) that have been made for a comment. Click the gray comments bubble to display or collapse the replies listed below a markup item. For more information about replying to comments, see the information below.
  • Status icon: A status icon displays if someone clicked in the box, and selected a status for the markup item.

The following icons display in the markup box when you click in the markup box:

  • : Click this icon to open a status list, and select a status for the comment.

    Statuses are:

    • Accepted
    • Rejected
    • Cancelled
    • Completed
    • None
    • Marked
    • Unmarked

    After you select a status for a markup item, the icon for the status displays in the markup box in the list. Click the status to open the status drop-down list to change the status.

    These statuses are not related to the Submitted, Approved, or Rejected statuses that are used by billers and approvers when they click the Submit, Approve, or Reject actions in Interactive Billing, Draft Invoice Approvals (in the Projects hub), or Invoice Approvals (in Billing).

  • : Click this icon, and then click one of the following options:
    • Click Edit to edit the markup item. Make your edits, and then click Save.
    • Click Delete to delete the markup item from the draft invoice.
  • Reply field and Post button: When you enter a reply to a markup item and post it, the reply displays in a separate box below the markup item. To indicate that a markup item has replies, a small, gray comments bubble with a number beside it displays to the right of the date and time in the markup box in the list. Click the gray comments bubble to display or collapse the replies below a markup item.

Click this icon to access the following options:

  • Full screen: Click this option to display the draft invoice in a full screen.
  • Download: Click this option to download a copy of the draft invoice.
  • Print: Click this option to download a copy of the draft invoice.
  • Dark mode: Click this option to change the background color on the screen to black and the text to white.

Click this icon to open the Revision dialog box and view an approver's past annotations and comments marked up on the draft invoice. You can move the dialog box alongside the current copy of the draft invoice on the Draft Preview tab, which has the approver's revisions applied, to compare and confirm that the revisions were applied correctly.

A draft invoice that is marked up with annotations and comments is saved in a separate PDF file each time that an approver makes annotations and comments and rejects the draft invoice and a biller revises the draft invoice and resubmits it. If there were multiple rejections and resubmittals for a draft invoice, you choose which one (PDF) to view on the Revision dialog box.

The Revision icon displays on the toolbar only if a PDF file with an approver's annotations and/or comments exists for a draft invoice.