Billing Labor Insert Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to insert a labor transaction in Interactive Billing to include on a billing invoice. This allows you to bill transactions that have not been posted as costs to the project or your general ledger through usual means, such as on timesheets.

A transaction that you insert in Interactive Billing does not get posted to the invoice's project, the accounting applications, or the general ledger. The inserted transaction is added only to the billing invoice. If you want the inserted transaction to be posted to a project and the general ledger, you can add a labor adjustment through Transaction Entry in the Transaction Center. Be sure to select the Suppress Bill option for the transaction, so that the transaction is not added to Interactive Billing and double billed.

If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, an employee's cost rate for the active company is automatically applied for labor inserts. The employee's cost rate uses the functional currency of the active company. If this currency differs from the billing currency, Vantagepoint translates the cost rate to the billing currency based on the exchange rates established in Settings > Currency.