Toolbar of the General Ledger Budgeting Group Form

Use the toolbar options to create or modify general ledger budget groups.


Field Description
New After you click this option, select one of the following settings:
  • New Record: Click this option to create a new group. A blank form opens with the appropriate fields enabled.
  • Copy Current Record: Click this option to copy information from the group currently open, to create a new group. Enter the name of the new group and modify the copied information.
  • Select Record to Copy: Click this option to select a group and copy its information to create a new group. Enter the name of the new group and modify the copied information.
Delete Record Open a group and click this option to delete the group from the database.
Approvals This option appears when a budget has been submitted for approval. After you click this option, select one of the following settings:
  • Approve: Click this option to approve the selected budget in the Budgets in Group grid and add a comment.
  • Approve All: Click this option to approve all the budgets in the group and add a comment.
  • Reject: Click this option to reject the selected budget in the Budgets in Group grid and add a comment, such as the reason why the budget was rejected.
  • Reject All: Click this option to reject all the budgets in the group and add a comment.
  • Reopen: This option appears when the selected budget has been approved and the logged user has permission to reopen the budget. Click this option to reopen the selected budget in the Budgets in Group grid that has been previously approved. You can also add a comment.
  • Reopen All: Click this option to reopen all the budgets in the group that have been previously approved. You can also add a comment.