Contents of the Draft Invoice Comments Dialog Box

Use these fields and options in Interactive Billing to view, enter, or modify comments during the approval process for a billing invoice.



Field Description
Project This field displays the name and number of the project that is associated with the invoice. Click the project name/number to open an info bubble to view summary information for the project. You can also click Open in Projects in the info bubble to view complete information for the project in the Projects hub.

Comments Grid

When you perform a submit, approve, or reject action, that action is added as the first row the grid, and you enter a comment for the action in the Comment field. The grid also displays a row for each action that has previously occurred for an invoice and any comments that were entered for the action.

Comments Grid Toolbar Options

Field Description
Click this icon to maximize the grid display. Click it again to return to the normal view.
Click this icon to export data from the grid to a comma-separated values (.csv) file. For more information, see Exporting Data to a .csv File.
Click this icon to filter the grid contents based on values in the grid columns. For more information, see Working with Grids.

Comments Grid Fields

Field Description
Action This field displays an approval action that is completed for the invoice. Possible values in this field are Submitted, In Process, Approved, and Rejected.
Name This field displays the name of the employee who completed the action. Click the employee name to open an info bubble to view summary information for the employee. You can also click More in the info bubble to view complete information for the employee in the Employees hub.
Date This field displays the date and time that the action was completed.
Comment If you are currently completing a Submit, Approve, or Reject action, enter a comment in this field for that action's row. You can also enter the comment for the action by selecting the action's row in the grid and entering the comment in the Comment Entry text box below the grid. The comments in the text box will populate the Comment field when you place your mouse back in the Comment field or when you click Save on the dialog box. Click in this field to view the full comment in a separate Comment dialog box. For previously completed actions, this field displays comments entered for the actions, which you can edit.

Field Below the Grid

Field Description
Comment Entry In this text box, enter comments that apply for the action row that you selected in the grid. Click on the toolbar of the text box to display all the text formatting options to apply to the text, such as bolding, bullets, font type, font size, and so on.
Save If you are completing a Submit, Approve, or Reject action when you click Save, the comments are saved, the action is completed, and you are returned to the previous form where the status fo the invoice is updated.
Cancel If you are completing a Submit, Approve, or Reject action when you click this button, that action is canceled and you are returned to the previous form.