Report Options for Detail Reports

Use the report tabs for an individual detail report to save sets of options for reuse.

Options for Audit Reports

The following options include both standard options and any additional options that are unique to the report category that you selected.

Report Options on the Options Tab

These options are found on most audit reports.

Field Description
Start Date This option specifies the state date for the data to be displayed on the report.
End Date This option specifies the end date for the data to be displayed on the report.
Modification User To show audit information for one Vantagepoint user, you can either enter the employee numbers, employee names, usernames or select one user from the lookup.
Operation Type By default, the report includes all operations. To limit information to a single type of operation, select Delete, Insert, or Update.

More Options

Some reports may include other option sections that give you additional control over the information included on a report. For more information, see the Options Tab and Columns and/or Groups tab for the individual report.

Detail Options Section

Detail options consist of check boxes and drop-down lists that allow you to display more data specific to the report. These options vary depending on the report category and can include time format, currency, and report format options.

For example, on the Invoice Transaction Detail report, you can display invoice totals, billing groups, labor, expense, and consultant transaction details based on billing category and status, as well as timesheet comments.

Display Options

Display options consist of check boxes that allow you to include data such as invoice totals or timesheet comments.

Activity Basis or Report Activity Options Section

Use the Activity Basis or Report Activity options to filter the report to only include projects, phases, or tasks that have specified transaction activity in the time frame that you specify. These options vary depending on the report type and category.

Reporting Amounts Section

Use the Reporting Amounts options to determine the report currency used to display amounts, types of transactions, or project information you want to include on the report. These options may vary depending on the type of report you want to generate.

For example, if you want to generate the Employee Labor Audit report, you will select transaction and project options for the report. If you want to generate an Invoice Transaction Detail report, you select the type of currency in which to display monetary amounts.

Rollup Options Section

Use Rollup Options to summarize the report information for projects, phases, and tasks that use some common numbering scheme.

For example, if the first five characters of your project number represent a master contract, you can consolidate, or roll up, information for all projects that have a common master contract number. To roll up project numbers, phase numbers, or task numbers, drag a slider to cover the characters that you want grouped. You can drag a slider from the left side of the slider box, the right side, or both sides.