Create Section Dialog Box

Use the Create Section dialog box to customize your CRM Summary reports and provide more detailed information to meet your business needs.

The CRM module is required to access and run any type of CRM Summary report. You can create multiple user defined sections that appear in the User Defined Section grid.

CRM Summary reports are unique, because you can build a series of sub-reports or user defined sections that provide more detailed information that serve your business needs.

You can enter user defined fields for a hub or your chart of accounts via Screen Designer (Settings > General > Screen Designer).

Building a User Defined Section

When building a user defined section, consider the following business rules:
  • A user defined section can either contain fields directly associated to the record (in a 1 to 1 relationship) or to grid fields. You can have several rows of different fields.
  • You cannot combine fields from two different grids into the same user defined section on a report. For example, you cannot combine fields from Marketing Campaign Information with those of the Activities grid nor can you combine fields from the Activities grid with fields from the Projects or Contacts grids.
  • If you have fields that are not in a grid, then you can control how many columns are included in that section and also the widths of those columns. You also control which column and row each field is located.
  • If you include fields from a grid, then you do not specify column properties or row properties. Instead, you can specify the widths for selected columns.