Contents of the Copy Project Form

Use the fields and options on the form to create a new project by copying an existing project.


Field Description
Charge Type Select the charge type for the new project:
  • Regular: Regular projects are revenue-producing projects. Costs charged to regular projects include direct labor, direct expense, and reimbursable expense.
  • Overhead: Overhead projects are not revenue-producing. Costs charged to overhead projects include indirect labor and indirect expense. The total cost of these projects is distributed to regular projects during overhead allocation. Typical overhead projects include General Overhead, Vacation, Sick Leave, Holiday, and Civic Duty. Overhead projects zero out when you initialize for a new fiscal year.

    Because of the very different purposes of overhead projects and regular projects, a number of fields, and options that are available in the Projects hub for regular projects are not available for overhead projects (for example, fields and options related to billing and revenue).

  • Promotional: Select this charge type when you create a standalone promotional project. A promotional project is a special project that you create specifically for managing the pursuit of a new contract, for tracking labor costs and other expenses that you incur in the process of that pursuit, or for both purposes. Promotional projects are similar to overhead projects in that they do not produce revenue. However, Vantagepoint does not zero out job-to-date (JTD) costs for a promotional project when you initialize for a new fiscal year.

    A standalone promotional project is not explicitly associated with a specific regular project. You can also create linked promotional projects, which are linked to a regular project. You can create a linked promotional project at the same time that you create the associated regular project, or you can link a standalone promotional project to a regular project at any time (for example, after you win the contract and set up the regular project in Vantagepoint).

    Because of the very different purposes of promotional projects and regular projects, a number of fields, and options that are available in the Projects hub for regular projects are not available for promotional projects (for example, fields and options related to contract amounts).

Once you click Continue to leave this form, you cannot change the charge type for the new project. If you have not yet saved the project, you can cancel the copy process and start over. If you save a project with the wrong charge type, delete the project and add it again.

Stage Select the project's current stage in the pipeline (for example, Lead, Proposal, Won, or Lost).

This field is only available if you are adding a regular project (Regular charge type) and if one or more of these modules are activated: CRM, CRM Plus, or Resource Planning.

How to Create Project From Project and the project you selected on the Projects form display in these fields, and you cannot change them.
Copy Plan Select this check box to copy the existing project's plan as a starting point. When you select the check box, Vantagepoint displays a Plan Start field so you can select a start date for the plan. If your role's security settings do not allow you to add plans, the Copy Plan check box does not appear.
When you copy a plan, the following occur:
  • If the project has only one level, Vantagepoint copies the entire plan.
  • If the project has more than one level, Vantagepoint copies only the plan levels for the levels that you select and save on the Edit Project Structure form.
  • Vantagepoint copies plan settings.
  • If you change the plan start date for the new project, Vantagepoint shifts all plan dates and all assignment dates for the new plan accordingly, based on the corresponding dates and durations in the source plan.

If you do not copy the plan, Vantagepoint creates a plan for your new project using default settings, so you are able to enter planned labor hours, planned expense amounts, and consultant amounts.

Copy Billing Terms To copy the billing terms from the existing project to the new project, select this check box.
Project Number If this field is Project Number, enter a unique identification number for the project that conforms to your project numbering system. If auto numbering is enabled on the Numbering form (Settings > Workflow > Numbering), either Vantagepoint automatically generates a number for you, or you have the option to accept an automatically generated number or enter one yourself.
Name Enter a short name for the project.
Long Name Enter a longer, more descriptive name for the project (to use in proposals, for example). This field defaults to the entry in Name, but you can change it.
Create Linked Promotional Project Select this check box if you also want to add a linked promotional project for tracking the costs incurred in pursuing the project. Vantagepoint then displays additional fields that you use to add that project.

The promotional project is linked to the new project, but it is a separate project with its own WBS and other properties.

If the new project is not a regular project, already has a promotional project, or is assigned a stage that is not designated as "in pursuit," this check box is not available.

Copy Promotional Project From If you selected Create Linked Promotional Project, do one of the following:
  • If you want to create a promotional project by copying an existing project, select that existing project. If the project from which you are creating the new regular project has a linked promotional project, that promotional project is selected by default, but you can change that selection.
  • If you do not want to copy an existing project, leave this field blank. In that case, the promotional project is created based on the regular project you are creating.
Copy Plan If you are creating the promotional project from an existing project and you also want to copy the existing project's plan as a starting point for the promotional project's plan, select this check box. When you select the check box, Vantagepoint displays a Plan Start field so you can select a start date for the plan. If your role's security settings do not allow you to add plans, the Copy Plan check box does not appear.
When you copy a plan, the following occur:
  • If the project has only one level, Vantagepoint copies the entire plan.
  • If the project has more than one level, Vantagepoint copies only the plan levels for the levels that you select and save on the Edit Project Structure form.
  • Vantagepoint copies plan settings.
  • If you change the plan start date for the new project, Vantagepoint shifts all plan dates and all assignment dates for the new plan accordingly, based on the corresponding dates and durations in the source plan.

If you do not copy the plan, Vantagepoint creates a plan for your new promotional project using default settings, so you are able to enter planned labor hours, planned expense amounts, and consultant amounts.

Copy Billing Terms If you are creating the promotional project from an existing project and you also want to copy the billing terms from the existing project to the new promotional project, select this check box.
Promotional Cost Project Number Enter a unique number for the promotional project. Vantagepoint can automatically generate a number for you if auto numbering is enabled for project numbers.
Promotional Project Name Enter a name for the promotional project.
Continue Click Continue to proceed with the project creation process.