Contents of the Edit Project Structure Form

Use the fields and options on the Edit Project Structure form to add phases and tasks to a project or to change the project information.


When the form displays, the grid contains a row for the project and a row for each phase in the WBS. If the WBS also contains tasks, they are hidden, but you can expand their parent phases to display them. (Tasks are hidden initially so that the Edit Project Structure form displays more quickly when the WBS is large or complex). The first column in the grid always displays the numbers of the WBS elements, and the remaining columns display additional information. In many cases, you can edit the data in this grid.

If you display this form for a regular project that has a linked promotional project, the WBS for both projects display in the grid, with the promotional project WBS below that of the regular project. Likewise, if you display the form for a promotional project that is linked to a regular project, both are displayed, with the regular project below the promotional project in this case.

If your security role does not provide access to some WBS elements for the project or the linked promotional project, the grid does not display data for those elements.

Much of the information for Vantagepoint is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

Field Description
Click this icon above the upper-right corner of the grid to display the Grid Settings dialog box and select the columns that you want to display in the project structure grid.

To ensure adequate performance, you are limited to 50 columns plus any number of system-required columns. System-required columns are standard Vantagepoint columns that require an entry. Columns made required using Screen Designer are not considered system-required and thus count toward the 50-column maximum. A message displays on the Grid Settings dialog box if you try to select a column that puts you over the maximum.

Each time that you display the Edit Project Structure form, Vantagepoint displays your most recently selected set of columns. Note, however, that if you click Save and a required column that is not currently displayed in the grid contains no data for one of the rows, Vantagepoint automatically adds that missing column at the right end of the grid so you can make the required entry. That column then remains selected for display unless you remove it again.

Number This column displays the numbers of the WBS elements in the project structure. When you add a new phase or task, enter the number for that WBS element in this field.

This column is always included in the grid.

Name This column displays the names of the WBS elements in the project structure. When you add a new phase or task, enter the name for that WBS element in this field.

This column is always included in the grid.

Additional grid columns In addition to the Number column and Name column, which are always displayed, you can select other columns to display in the grid. Click to add or remove other columns.

For descriptions of the other fields that can be selected as columns in this grid, refer to the help topics for the individual tabs on the Projects form on which they normally display.

To ensure adequate performance, you are limited to 50 columns plus any number of system-required columns. System-required columns are standard Vantagepoint columns that require an entry. Columns made required using Screen Designer are not considered system-required and thus count toward the 50-column maximum. A message displays on the Grid Settings dialog box if you try to select a column that puts you over the maximum.

Each time you display the Edit Project Structure form, Vantagepoint displays your most recently selected set of columns. Note, however, that Vantagepoint may automatically add columns to the grid. That occurs when you click Save and a required column that is not currently displayed in the grid contains an empty grid cell. In that case, Vantagepoint displays a message and automatically adds that missing column at the right end of the grid so you can make the required entry.

Hover over the row for a WBS element and click this icon at the end of the row to select one of these options:
  • Add Phase: Add a new phase for the project. This option is only available from the project row in the grid. If there are existing budget values, revenue forecast values, or planning assignments on this level, Vantagepoint displays a message explaining how these items are impacted by this action.
  • Add Task: Add a new task for a phase. This option is only available from a phase row in the grid. If there are existing budget values, revenue forecast values, or planning assignments on this level, Vantagepoint displays a message explaining how these items are impacted by this action.
  • Copy: Copy the WBS element to add a new element of the same type. As appropriate, information for the existing WBS element is copied for the new one, but you can change that information.
  • Delete: Delete the WBS element. If any records outside the Projects hub reference the project, phase, or task, you cannot delete it. If the project, phase, or task has any associated revenue forecast or planning data, Vantagepoint warns you that this data will also be deleted.

    If you delete a regular project that is linked to a promotional project or a promotional project that is linked to a regular project, the other project in the linked pair is not automatically deleted. To remove both projects, you must delete them individually.

    If you display the Edit Project Structure form when you are creating a project from an existing project and copying the billing terms from that project and you choose to delete some phases or tasks, some billing terms settings that are related to, or dependent on, those phases or tasks may be changed as a result. Review the billing terms carefully after you create the new project to make sure that they are set correctly.