Contents of the Stage Dialog Box

Use the fields and options on this dialog box to move a regular project from one project stage to another and to specify the date of and reason for the change, along with any other supporting information for the change.

When defining the stages to which you can assign projects, your administrator assigns each stage to one of the following general classifications, called "steps": In Pursuit, Won, Lost, or Do Not Pursue. Multiple stages can be assigned to each of these steps. Thus, in the field descriptions below, for example, "an in pursuit stage" refers to any stage that is assigned to the In Pursuit step.


Field Description
Stage This field displays the project 's current stage. Select the stage to which you want to assign the project . Depending on the current stage and the new stage, the fields displayed may change when you make your selection.

The stage applies to the project as a whole. You cannot assign stages to individual phases or tasks.

Opened If the assigned stage is an in pursuit stage, enter the date that the pursuit of the project began.

If the assigned stage is not an in pursuit stage, this field does not display.

Days Open If the assigned stage is an in pursuit stage, this field displays the number of days since the pursuit began.

If the assigned stage is not an in pursuit stage, this field does not display.

Won/Lost Date If you change the stage to a won, lost, or do not pursue stage, select the date on which you won, lost, or decided not to pursue the project .

If the assigned stage is an in pursuit stage, this field does not display.

Lost To If you change the stage to a lost stage, select the firm that won the project. If the firm is not already listed on the Competition tab for the project, it is added when you click Save.

If the assigned stage is an in pursuit stage, this field does not display.

Won/Lost Reason If you change the stage to a won, lost, or do not pursue stage, select the reason that you won, lost, or decided not to pursue the project .

If the assigned stage is an in pursuit stage, this field does not display.

Won/Lost Notes If you change the stage to a won, lost, or do not pursue stage, enter any additional information related to the outcome of the pursuit.

If the assigned stage is an in pursuit stage, this field does not display.

Save Click this button to change the stage and save any related information that you entered.

If you change the stage to a won stage and your security role is for Accounting users, the Approved for Use in Processing check box on the Accounting tab of the Projects form is selected automatically at the project level of the WBS to indicate that accounting transactions can now be entered for the project. Note, however, that this check box is not automatically selected for any lower level WBS elements; you must select it individually for any of those elements that you want to approve for processing.

If you change the stage to a lost or do not pursue stage, the status of the project is changed to Inactive. If the project has a linked promotional project , you are also given the options to change the status of the promotional project to Inactive or Dormant or to leave it with the Active status.

Depending on how Vantagepoint is set up and depending on what the prior and new stages are, changing the stage of a project may also change whether or not the project should be included when calculating utilization and scheduled hours and percentages that are used for resource planning and resource management. That calculation status is displayed in Capacity Calculation in the summary pane of the Projects hub.