Contents of the Billing Group Dialog Box

Use the hierarchical list of projects that belong to the billing group, along with their work breakdown structures (WBS), to select the project or lower-level WBS element for which you want to display data on the Interactive Billing (or on other forms that you use to work with project records).


Field Description

The WBS for each project in the billing group displays as a hierarchical list. Locate and click the project or lower-level WBS element for which you want to display data. Some forms in the Projects hub do not display data at lower WBS levels, such as phases and tasks. If you are working on one of those forms, selecting a lower-level WBS element does not change the displayed data.

Main displays to the right of the main project for the billing group.

If a project in the billing group has a linked promotional project, the promotional project and its lower-level WBS elements display below the WBS for its linked regular project. As with the regular projects, you can select a WBS element for the promotional project to display.

If your security role does not provide access to some WBS elements for one of the projects, the grid does not display data for those elements.

In its default location, this dialog box closes automatically when you make a selection or when you the current form. However, if you move this dialog box away from its default location ("undock" it), it remains visible as you work in the current form so that you can quickly make other selections. In the Projects hub, the dialog box remains visible if you switch from your current form to another Projects hub form that displays data at lower levels of the WBS.

Pending Account Review

Click this toggle option to filter the WBS to show only those elements that are awaiting accounting review.

A WBS element has a pending accounting review if the Approved for Use in Processing check box is not selected for that element on the Accounting tab of the Projects form (Hubs > Projects > Project).

The "parent" elements of lower-level WBS elements with pending reviews are also displayed, even if the parent elements have been approved for processing. This is done so that you can see the locations of lower-level elements (phases and tasks) in the WBS.

If all elements in the WBS are approved for use in processing, this option is not available.