Contents of the Invoices Form

Use the fields and options on this form to review information about the posted invoices for the project you selected. Use the grid on the form to view, enter, or edit details and accounts receivable comments related to the invoices. Draft invoices awaiting approval precede the grid.

If you are at the project level of the work breakdown structure (WBS), the accounts receivable and invoice data are for the project as a whole. If you navigate to a lower-level WBS element, the form is updated to display only data for that WBS element.

Header Fields

Field Description
x of x Use these arrow icons to scroll through the records in the search results and display a different record to display on the form. The numbers indicate which record you are viewing out of the total number of records in the search results.
+ New Project Click this option to create a new project.

This option is available if your security role has the access rights required for adding records.

When you add a new project, Vantagepoint also creates a plan for that project. Depending on how you add the project, you may have an option of copying an existing project plan. If not, Vantagepoint automatically creates a plan for the project using default settings, so you can immediately begin entering planning data.

Click this icon next to the project name to display the Project Structure dialog box.

If the project has a WBS with more than one level or it has a linked promotional project, the dialog box displays the levels and elements in the structure. You can then select another WBS element to display in the Projects hub, or you can edit the project structure. You can also select a WBS element for the linked promotional project, if one exists.

If the project currently only has one level in the WBS and no linked promotional project, the Project Structure dialog box gives you options for adding WBS elements at lower levels. Click + Create a New Project Structure to add WBS elements individually using the Edit Project Structure form. To choose WBS elements from a project template, select the template in Use a Project Template and click Use Template.

By default, the Project Structure dialog box displays immediately below this icon, and when you select a WBS element, it closes. However, if you are working in the Projects hub and you want the dialog box to remain open after you make a selection so it is readily available for navigating to other WBS elements, drag the dialog box to a different location. It will then remain open while you work, as long as you do not select a different project or leave the Projects hub.

If the project belongs to a billing group, click this icon next to the project name to display the Billing Group dialog box. That dialog box displays the projects in the billing group, along with any lower-level WBS elements, so you can select another project or lower-level WBS element to display in the Projects hub.
Project Name and Project Number When you select a project to view or edit, the project's name and number display at the top of the form below the search field.

If you navigate to a lower level work breakdown structure (WBS) element, the number and name of that element and the number and names of the parent elements above it in the WBS are displayed.

and Click to the right of the Summary pane to collapse the pane and expand the main part of the form. When the Summary pane is collapsed, click to expand and display it.

Action Bar

Click Actions to select one of these options.

Field Description
Add Touchpoint Select this option to add a touchpoint (a simple activity such as a meeting or a phone call) for the currently displayed record.
Add Proposal Select this option to display the New Proposal dialog box and begin adding a new proposal for the project.
Import GovWin IQ Opportunities Select this option to connect to your GovWin IQ instance and import one or more opportunity records from GovWin IQ as in pursuit projects in Vantagepoint.
This option displays if GovWin IQ Integration is enabled on the GovWin IQ form (Utilities > Integrations > GovWin IQ), and if Vantagepoint is set up to use auto-numbering for project numbers. (If auto-numbering is not implemented for projects, this option is not available. In that case, you can only import opportunities from GovWin IQ one at a time by selecting From GovWin IQ in How to Create Project on the New Project form.)
Project Settings Select this option to display the Project Settings dialog box. In that dialog box, you can select display options for the project search results list and the project structure.
Design If your security role gives you access, select this option to open the Screen Designer, which you can use to add tabs, grids, fields, and field properties. The Screen Designer is composed of two sections: a canvas area (on the left) that lets you view the design changes that you make to the form, and a list of tabs, fields, and properties (on the right) that can be defined and added to the screen. Click the in the upper right corner of a field or tab to remove it from the form.
Print Report Select this option to display the Reporting form so you can generate an Accounts Receivable report or other report.

Receivables Information

These fields and the chart display accounts receivable data for the project as a whole or for the currently selected lower-level WBS element.

Field Description
Average Age This field displays the average number of days, from the invoice date to today, that invoices in the Invoices grid have had an unpaid balance. This field is automatically calculated based on all rows in the grid, even those that do not contain a date.

Invoices can have different invoice dates for different WBS elements. In that case, the average age could vary depending on the currently selected WBS element. To view the overall average age for the project's invoices, navigate to the project level of the WBS.

Last Receipt This field displays the date and amount of the most recent payment received.
Unapplied Retainer If the client has paid one or more retainers for the project, this field displays the retainer amount that has not yet been applied.
Aged Accounts Receivable Chart This chart displays posted accounts receivable information, with aging data, for the current project as a whole or for the currently selected WBS element.

For a description of the chart data, see Aged Accounts Receivable Chart.

Draft Invoice

if you are assigned to approve or reject invoices for the currently selected project and an invoice is awaiting approval, Vantagepoint displays an exclamation point next to the Invoices menu item in the Navigation pane. In that case, an extra row precedes the grid, labeled Draft.

Field Description
Invoice Date This column displays the invoice date for the draft invoice.
Invoice Amount This column displays the amount of the draft invoice.
Hover over the row and click this icon at the end of the row to download and display the draft invoice as a PDF, RTF, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Excel file.

If the invoice was not edited outside of Vantagepoint and then uploaded, and if the billing terms for the project have the Print Backup Report or one of the Print Supporting Documents options selected, the Additional Documentation dialog box displays so that you can choose whether or not you want to see additional related documents when you view the invoice. Select the options that you want and click Continue.

If the Additional Documentation dialog box does not display, the invoice displays immediately. If the invoice was edited outside of Vantagepoint and then uploaded, the Billing Backup report displays if the billing terms for the project are set to print it. Supporting AP vouchers and expense reports do not display even if the billing terms are set to print them.

Hover over the row and click this icon at the end of the row to perform one of the following actions:
  • Display Draft Invoice: Download and display the draft invoice as a PDF, RTF, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Excel file.

    If the invoice was not edited outside of Vantagepoint and then uploaded, and if the billing terms for the project have the Print Backup Report or one of the Print Supporting Documents options selected, the Additional Documentation dialog box displays so you can choose whether you want to see additional related documents when you view the invoice. Select the options you want and click Continue.

    If the Additional Documentation dialog box does not display, the invoice displays immediately. If the invoice was edited outside of Vantagepoint and then uploaded, the Billing Backup report will display if the billing terms for the project are set to print it. Supporting AP vouchers and expense reports do not display even if the billing terms are set to print them.

  • Approve Invoice: Display the Billing Comments dialog box to enter a comment and then approve the draft invoice.
  • Reject Invoice: Display the Billing Comments dialog box to enter a comment and then reject the draft invoice.

    If the invoice's project is the main project for a billing group, all projects within the billing group are rejected as well. If an invoice is rejected, anyone who has required security access can display the invoice in Vantagepoint Interactive Billing and make changes to that invoice and submit it for approval again.

  • Draft Invoice Comments: Display the Billing Comments dialog box to enter "in process" comments for the draft invoice.

Invoices Grid

This grid displays posted invoices for the selected project as of the current active period. If your current active period is a prior period, billing, payment, and other transactions for later periods are not included.

If you are at the project level of the WBS, the invoice data is for the project as a whole. If you navigate to a lower-level WBS element, the grid contents and grid totals are updated to display only data for that WBS element. If you apply column filters, the grid totals update to reflect only the filtered set of invoices.

Field Description
Click this icon to expand the grid to a full screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click this icon again to return to a standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to export all the data from the grid to a comma-separated values (.csv) file that you save in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports .csv files. For more information, see Exporting Data to a .csv File.
Click this icon to display the column filter options. Use the filter options to restrict the grid contents. For more information, see Filter the Grid Results.
Billing Client This column displays the name of the billing client for the posted invoice. A project can have different billing clients over the life of a project. In this situation, the billing client that was entered for a project (on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub) at the time an invoice was posted is associated with the posted invoice.
Invoice This column displays the invoice number.
Invoice Date This column displays the invoice date associated with the currently selected WBS element.
Invoice Total This column displays the invoice amount. This amount includes fee, labor, expenses, consultants, taxes, interest, retainage, and all add-ons except retainer.
Applied Retainer This column displays the amount of the retainer that is applied to the invoice. This column only displays if retainers are enabled in Settings > Billing > Options.
Amount Paid This column displays the sum of all payment amounts that have been applied to the invoice, including retainers.
Credit Memos This column displays the sum of the credit memos that have been applied against the invoice.
Retainage This column displays the retainage amount for the invoice that is not currently due. This amount is affected by retainage amounts entered on credit memos.

This column is available only if you set Use Retainage to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options.

Amount Due This column displays the original invoice amount less any payments, credit memos, and outstanding retainage (because retainage is not considered due at this time).
Days Out This column displays the number of days, from the invoice date to today, for which the invoice has had an unpaid balance.

Invoices can have different invoice dates for different WBS elements. In that case, the number in this field could vary depending on the currently selected WBS element.

Hover over the row and click this icon at the end of the row to download and display the draft invoice as a PDF, RTF, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Excel file.

Depending on settings in the billing terms, the Additional Documentation dialog box may display first, to give you the option to also view the Billing Backup report or supporting documents along with the invoice. The dialog box displays only when the invoice was not edited outside of Vantagepoint and then uploaded, and when the billing terms for the project have the Print Backup Report or one of the Print Supporting Documents options selected.

Select the options you want and click Continue to display the invoice with any selected additional details. When the invoice opens, it displays in one of these supported file types: PDF, RTF, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel.

If the invoice was edited outside of Vantagepoint and then uploaded, the Backup Report displays if the billing terms for the project are set to print it. The A/P Voucher or Expense Report supporting documentation does not display, even if the billing terms are set to print them.

Click this icon at the end of a grid row to perform one of the following actions:
  • Filed Invoice: Depending on settings in the billing terms, the Additional Documentation dialog box may display first, to give you the option to also view the Billing Backup report or supporting documents along with the invoice. The dialog box displays only when the invoice was not edited outside of Vantagepoint and then uploaded, and when the billing terms for the project have the Print Backup Report or one of the Print Supporting Documents options selected.

    Select the options you want and click Continue to display the invoice with any selected additional details. When the invoice opens, it displays in one of these supported file types: PDF, RTF, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel.

    If the invoice was edited outside of Vantagepoint and then uploaded, the Backup Report displays if the billing terms for the project are set to print it. The A/P Voucher or Expense Report supporting documentation does not display, even if the billing terms are set to print them.

    This option is available whether you are at the project level of the WBS or have navigated to a lower-level WBS element.

  • Invoice Details: Open the Invoice Details dialog box to view invoice, credit memo, and payment information by invoice section (Fee, Labor, Consultant, and so on). If you navigated to a lower-level element in the WBS, the detail on the dialog box is for that WBS element.
  • AR Comments: Open the AR Comments dialog box, on which you can add, review, edit, or delete accounts receivable comments for all of a project's invoices and current and past billing clients.