Report Preview Window Options

When you preview a report, use the toolbar at the top of the Preview window to perform actions such as navigating within the report or printing the report.

Field Description Related Procedure
Show or Hide Document Map Click the bar on the left edge of the Preview window to display the document map. Use the document map to locate and jump to a specific section of the report.

Click the similar bar on the right edge of the document map pane to hide the document map.

The document map is an outline of the structure of the report, based on the sorting and grouping criteria you set up for the report. The document map contains a link for each sorting and grouping value. When you click a link in the map, Vantagepoint displays that portion of the report in the Preview window.

For example, if you sort and group data on a report by project number and phase number, the document map contains a link for each project number at the top level of the map hierarchy and a link for each phase within each project at the next level of the hierarchy.

The document map is not available when you display the report in print layout mode.

Show or Hide Parameter Area Click the bar on the top edge of the Preview window toolbar to display the parameter area. In the parameter area, you can change selected report parameters and click View Report to generate the report again without returning to the Options dialog box.

Click the similar bar at the bottom edge of the parameter area to hide the parameter area.

This option is not available for all reports.

First Page Click this option to display the first page of the report.
Previous Page Click this option to display the previous page of the report.
___ of ___ This option displays the current page number and the total number of pages in the report (for example, 27 of 50).

To display a specific page of the report, enter the page number and press Enter.

Next Page Click this option to display the next page of the report.
Last Page Click this option to display the last page of the report.
Refresh Click this option to regenerate the report with the current data in the database.

To zoom in (enlarge the report data) or zoom out (shrink the report data), select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • A percentage — Select a higher percentage to zoom in and select a lower percentage to zoom out.
  • Page Width — To fit the complete width of the report in the Preview window, select Page Width.

  • Whole Page — To fit the complete report page in the Preview window, select Whole Page.

Download Report To save the report to a file, click this option to display the Download dialog box. In that dialog box, select the file format and indicate if you want to include all report pages or only a range of pages. Download a Report
Get Report Information Click this option to view the following information for the report:
  • Report query
  • Report options
  • Report data source
  • Report definition (the .RDL file for the report)
Report Information Dialog Box
Search & Download Click this option to preview the report and open the Search Criteria grid where you can specify fields and search values for the report. You can then view the search results on the computer, print them, or export them to either a CSV or Microsoft Excel file. Search a Previewed Report
Print Click this option to display the Print dialog box and then select a printer and set other printing options. Print a Report
Find To do a simple search for text in the report, enter that text in the field and click Find. Vantagepoint displays and highlights the first occurrence of the text. To find the next occurrence, click Find Next.

The search feature has the following characteristics:

  • It does not differentiate between upper case and lower case letters.
  • You cannot use wildcard characters or Boolean search operators. It only finds exact matches for your search text.
  • The search begins on the page of the report that is currently displayed.
  • The search only finds the target text if it is visible when you do the search. It does not find data that is hidden in collapsed groups.
  • This option is not available in print layout mode.
Use a Simple Search
Find Next After you click Find to display the first occurrence of the text you are searching for, click the Find Next option to find other occurrences.

This option is not available in print layout mode.

Use a Simple Search