Open an Existing Employee Payment Run

Open a previously saved employee payment run to continue processing it.

Prerequisite: You must have previously created and saved an employee payment run that is not fully processed.

To open an existing employee payment run:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Cash Management > Employee Payments.

    Only one payment run exists that has not been processed.

    The unprocessed run automatically displays on one of the following pages of the Employee Payments form:
    • If the payment run is in the expense selection stage, the run displays in the Select Expenses page
    • If the payment run is in the printing stage, the run displays on the Printing and Numbering page.

    Multiple payment runs exist that have not been processed.

    The New Payment Run page displays on the Employee Payments form. To open an existing payment run, use the search fields at the top of the form.

    The payment runs that display in the search list results have text that identify a run by its run number, payment date, the name of the employee who created the run, and whether the run is in the expense selection stage or in the printing stage. The run that you select automatically opens in the Select Expenses page or the Printing and Numbering page of the Employee Payments form.