New Payment Run Page of the Employee Payments Form

Use this page to create an employee payment run, the first step in the process to pay employee expenses.

On the New Payment Run page, you select the settings for processing the payment run and the specific employees to pay.

Accessing the New Payment Run Page

The New Payment Run page displays on the Employee Payments form in Cash Management > Employee Payments. When you open the form, if no open payment runs exist or multiple payment runs exist, the New Payment Run page automatically displays and is ready for you to enter information in the fields on the page to create a new payment run. Use the payment run search fields in the Employee Payments form header to find and select an existing payment run to process. In the search results list, existing payment runs are indicated as being either in the selecting stage (selecting employee expenses to pay) or printing stage (printing the processed payment).

From any other pages of the Employee Payments form, click + New Payment Run in the Employee Payments form header to open the New Payment Run page.


Field Description
Create New Run Click this button if the run that you are creating is new and you have finished entering all the information on the page. The payment run is assigned the next run number and saved. The Select Expenses page of the Employee Payments form automatically displays.
Cancel Click this button if the run that you are creating is new and you decide not to create the new payment run.
Payment Date

This field prefills with the date of the selected payment run, or today’s date if you opened a new run. You can specify a different date. This is the date that displays on any payments generated in this processing run.

If Vantagepoint is configured to require that transaction dates fall within the current fiscal year or current fiscal period, the date you enter must meet that requirement.

Process Type
Select one of the following ways to process the payment run:
  • Automatic: Process advance/expense payments for all employees who have unpaid expense reports as of a specific date. Or, you can define automatic payment selection criteria to limit advance/expense payments to specific classes of employees who have submitted expense reports for which they have not been paid as of a specific date.
  • Manual: You select one or more employees to pay in the payment processing run you have open. Use this method to process payments for selected employees and to choose, for each selected employee, which expense reports to pay. This feature is useful if an employee requires payment for a specific expense prior to the time that you process payments for all other employees.

If you change the process type from Manual to Automatic, the manual expenses you selected are reset.

Create Checks Instead of EFT transactions for this Run Select this option to pay all employees in this payment run by paper check, including any employees who are set up to be paid by electronic funds transfer.

Automatic Selections

This section displays only when you select Automatic as the process type and displays the default options for the automatic payment run.

If you change any of the settings in this section, you are alerted that you are resetting the automatic settings. If you elect to keep your changes, the payment run is now processed manually and Vantagepoint tracks your selections for the remainder of the run.

Field Description
Payments to Include

Use this field to specify that EFT transactions be printed in a separate run. This allows you to print the remittance advice on plain paper instead of check stock.

If you selected the Create Checks Instead of EFT Transactions for this Run option, this field prefills with All, which you cannot change. This means that the payment run will process and print both checks and EFTS.

If you did not select the Create Checks Instead of EFT Transactions for this Run option, you can select one of the following options in this field:

  • All: Process and print both checks and EFTs in the payment run.
  • Printed Payments Only: Process and print only paper check transactions in the payment run.
  • EFT Only: Process and print only EFT transactions in the payment run.
Organization Select the organization whose payments are included in this run. Enter an organization or select one on the Organization lookup.
Advanced Selections Select the employees to include in this run. Enter an employee or select one or more on the New Search form.

Payment Sorting

Field Description
First Sort, Second Sort, and Third Sort Fields

Specify a maximum of three sort groups to determine the order of the employees processed in the payment run.

Options for each sort level are:
  • None
  • Employee Number
  • Employee Name
  • Employee Status
  • Organization
  • Company
  • Organization Level
  • Discipline