View Final Billing Invoice PDF Files in Files Administration

You can search for and view the PDF file (or the uploaded file type) of final billing invoices and credit memos saved to the FileStream database in the Files Administration utility.

Prerequisite: You have the Store PDF of Final Invoice option set to Yes in the Global Billing Options section in Settings > Billing > Options in the browser application.

To view final billing invoices and credit memos in Files Administration:

  1. On the Navigation menu in the desktop application, click Utilities > Files Administration.
  2. On the Files Administration form, set the Application option to Billing - Final Invoices.
  3. Click Refresh Files List to populate the Files grid with final invoices.
  4. To refine the results in the Files grid, complete one or more of the following actions:
    • Use the Date Range fields to define the date range to search.
    • Use the User ID field to search for the user who final accepted the invoice or credit memo.
    • Enter keywords from the file's name in the Search Text field.
    • Set the Application option to Interactive Billing - Supporting Documents to retrieve only supporting documents for invoices.
  5. Click Refresh Files List to update the Files grid with invoices that match the specified criteria.
  6. Click the hyperlink in the File Name column to preview or reprint the PDF file (or the uploaded file type) of an invoice or credit memo.