View Synchronization Status for Connect Integration for Outlook

The synchronization status for both users and groups displays on the Dashboard, Users, and Groups tabs in the Connect Administration utility. This information can help you understand the data shared between the two applications.

  • To use Connect, the Vantagepoint application must be exposed to the internet via a publicly facing URL. If your network or firewall is configured to only allow certain IP addresses to access Vantagepoint, it will be necessary to add Connect IP addresses to the Allow list. See the Troubleshoot Synchronization and Connect Add-in Issues for Gmail or Troubleshoot Synchronization and Connect Add-in Issues for Outlook help topics for the list of IP addresses.
  • The security role for the individual who is responsible for configuring Connect must have access to Connect Administration. In Settings > Security > Roles, on the Overview tab, make sure that Connect Administration is selected under Utilities > Integrations.
  • The individual who is responsible for configuring Connect (selecting the Connect Administration option in Utilities > Integrations), must have an employee record associated with their user record in Settings > Security > Users. The employee record must also have a valid email address.
  • Each employee who will use Connect must have an employee record that includes an email address and is associated with a user record in Settings > Security > Users.
  • Windows authentication for the on-premises application is not supported with Vantagepoint Connect.
  • You must have a Client ID and Secret in API Authorization in Utilities > Integrations. You only need to generate the secret one time, for all integrations. If you generate a new secret at any time after setting your secret initially, all integrations using the old secret will be broken until you refresh your access token for those integrations.

To view the synchronization status:

  1. In the Vantagepoint Navigation pane, select Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration.
  2. On the Dashboard tab of the Connect Administration form, scroll to the Synchronization Status section to view a summary of the synchronization process:
    • Active: Current, or active synchronization batches
    • With Issues: Synchronization batches that contained issues
    • Suspended by Error: Batches that were suspended due to errors in the files
    • Not Configured: Users with a Mailbox Status of Not initialized
  3. To view a detailed list of the users who meet the criteria for the selected synchronization status, click the number of items to open the Users tab.
  4. On the Groups tab and the Edit Users form, review information displayed in the Synchronization Status column:
    • Enabled: Synchronization is enabled for the group or user.
    • Disabled: Synchronization is disabled for the group or user. Select this status to disable synchronization in situations where there is an emergency, or you want to prohibit some users from enable synchronization by moving them to separate group with sync disabled. Those users cannot then re-enable synchronization for themselves.
    • Delete: This status deletes the selected user from the application. When a user is deleted they cannot use the application or synchronize data. This option will not work if any data remains in the user's mailbox. The administrator must un-initialize and disable synchronization to remove business data from the user mailbox before completing the synchronization process. If you are using Outlook and connectivity to the Exchange mailbox is lost and synchronization cannot occur, the administrator must use the Force Delete option to remove the user and all data that is remaining in the mailbox.
    • Force Delete: Select this status to force deletion of data in a user's mailbox. This is necessary when you are using Outlook and connectivity to the Exchange mailbox is lost.
  5. In the Navigation pane, select Utilities > Integrations > Connect Sync Options and then use the Connect Sync Options form to review synchronization status, mail server connection status, and other synchronization statistics.