Dashboard Tab of the Connect Administration Form for Outlook Integration

The Connect Dashboard is your portal into the Vantagepoint Connect data. Use the Dashboard tab to view the user provisioning details, the status of synchronization, percentage of add-in use, and overall usage statistics of the Connect application.


Field Description
Configure Connect This field displays upon initial use only. Click the Configure Connect button to enable Vantagepoint CRM and Vantagepoint Connect to synchronize activity, contact, firm, and project information.

When you select this option, the Vantagepoint Login dialog displays. Enter your Vantagepoint username and password and click Log In to provision the Connect Add-in utility.

After you log in, the Connect Administration Dashboard displays.

Provisioning (Users) Refer to these fields for the total number and status of users provisioned to use Vantagepoint Connect as well as the number of users who are not yet provisioned. When you click the Provision button, you automatically select those users who are not yet provisioned. This allows you to access the Provisioning Multiple Users fields so that you can provision multiple users for a group. See the Set Up Multiple Connect Users at One Time help topic for details.

De-provisioned users do not display in the total number of users.

Provisioning (New Users) Refer to these fields for the total number and status of users who were provisioned to use Vantagepoint Connect within the past two weeks. You can also view the number users who are not yet provisioned. When you click the Provision button, you automatically select those users who are not yet provisioned. This allows you to access the Provisioning Multiple Users fields so that you can provision multiple users for a group. See the Set Up Multiple Connect Users at One Time help topic for details.

De-provisioned users do not display in the total number of users.

Synchronization Status

These fields display the number of synchronization attempts that meet the following criteria:

  • Active: Current, or active synchronizations
  • With Issues: Synchronization batches that contained issues
  • Suspended by Error: Batches that were suspended due to errors in the files
  • Not Configured: Users with the Mailbox Status option set to Not initialized

Click the number of items to open the Users tab and view a detailed list of the users who meet the criteria for selected synchronization status.

Add-in Use This field displays the percentage of the Connect Add-in that is used as well as the percent that is not used. Click on the number of items to view a detailed list of the users who meet the criteria for the selected add-in.
Usage These fields display the usage statistics for the application over the past 30 days. The graphs provide a visual representation of the records that were created in the past 30 days, as well as the records that were updated in the past 30 days. Both graphs include data about the records, including the type of record and overall number that were synchronized, as well as the dates on which each synchronization process occurred.
Use the Application and Record Type drop-down lists to further refine the results that display on the graphs.
Delete All Connect Configuration Click the button to delete a Connect configuration, including the settings for all Connect users. Vantagepoint prompts you to confirm the deletion.

Click Cancel to cancel the delete process.