Posting Account Settings

Posting Account settings include default settings for global posting accounts, credits and debits by organization, foreign posting accounts, and gains and losses.

This includes the defaults for several areas.

  • Detailed Subledgers for Intercompany Billing: Enable detailed subledgers, which are used for intercompany billing.
  • Company and Intercompany Accounts: Set up company accounts that receive automatic postings. If you use multiple companies, you also set up intercompany accounts to facilitate transactions between the companies within your enterprise.
  • Expense Credits: Determine the credit side of the entry for miscellaneous expenses, prints and reproductions, employee expenses, and employee advances.
  • Credits and Debits by Organization: Determine how you want to distribute debits and credit associated with specific postings by organization. If you use multiple companies, you can also specify the organization that receives the implicit side of intercompany postings.
  • Gains, Losses, and Revaluations: Set up default general ledger accounts and projects for realized and unrealized gains and losses.