Contents of the GovWin IQ Opportunities Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to select the GovWin IQ opportunities to import.

Field Description
Search Field
To select opportunities for import from a list generated using a text search, first click the left end of the search field in the upper-left corner of the dialog box and select a filter:
  • Active: Only opportunities that are "active" in GovWin IQ.
  • All: All opportunities in GovWin IQ.
  • Mine: Opportunities in GovWin IQ that are marked as "mine."
After selecting a filter, either enter a complete GovWin IQ opportunity ID, or enter one or more characters that you want to search for in opportunity names and acronyms. The resulting list contains opportunities that match both the selected filter and your search text.

If you need to do more than one search to select all of the opportunities that you want to import, you can do that. Vantagepoint saves all of your selections until you either start the import process or you cancel the GovWin IQ Opportunities dialog box.

Get All My Opportunities To quickly select opportunities for import from a list of all opportunities in GovWin IQ that are marked as "mine," click Get All My Opportunities.
Check boxes To select the opportunities in the grid that you want to import, click each row. A check displays in the check box for the row. To select all of the opportunities in the grid, click the check box next to the GovWin IQ ID column label in the heading area of the grid.
GovWin IQ ID

This column displays the opportunity ID from GovWin IQ for each opportunity in the search results.

If you need more information about an opportunity before selecting it for import, click the opportunity ID to display a tooltip containing the opportunity solicitation date and number and opportunity status in GovWin IQ. Click More in the tooltip to open a new browser tab and display the complete opportunity information in GovWin IQ. If you are not already logged in to GovWin IQ, the GovWin log-in page displays first.

Project Name This column displays the opportunity name from GovWin IQ, which will be the default name for the new project.
Client This column displays the client name from GovWin IQ.

Click Import to import the selected opportunities.

Before completing the import, Vantagepoint determines if any of the selected opportunities already exist as projects. If it finds one or more matches, it lists those opportunities in the Project Records Exist dialog box and gives you the option either to skip all of the listed opportunities or to select one or more that you want to import.

It then checks the Vantagepoint database for the existence of firms and contacts associated with the opportunities. If Vantagepoint cannot verify that the primary client and all competitors and contacts associated with the opportunities in GovWin IQ already exist in the Vantagepoint database, the New Records dialog box displays a list of those firms and contacts. Review the list of firms and contacts, clear the check boxes for those for which you do not want to create records in Vantagepoint, and click Add Selected Records. (If you don't want to add any of the records, click Skip.)

After the above checks are performed, the opportunities are imported as new projects.