Contents of the New Proposal Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to enter proposal details.

Field Description
Template Proposal templates provide a framework for quickly and efficiently creating new custom proposals. These templates are created in the Templates builder or from the Custom Proposals application when you save an existing proposal's data as a template.

To use a template as the basis of the proposal, select the name of a template from this drop-down.

Preview If a template is selected to use as the basis of the proposal, click this link to open the Proposal Template Preview dialog box to preview the proposal template.
Name Enter the proposal name. This becomes the proposal title on page one.
Number Enter an identification number for the proposal.
Project Select the project that is associated with the proposal. The projects that are available for selection have a stage that means it is in pursuit. Projects with stages that mean it was won, lost, or do not pursue are not available for selection. After you select a project, Vantagepoint populates some of the proposal fields with information from the selected project.
Due Date Select the date on which the proposal must be sent.
Template To apply a template with pre-defined settings for the proposal, select the name of the template. When you save the proposal, the template's fields will be applied.
Client Use the firm lookup to select the client to whom you are sending the proposal. This field is automatically populated from the project, if one was selected.
Organization Use the organization lookup to select the organization in your firm that is responsible for the proposal. This field is automatically populated from the project, if one was selected.
Proposal Manager Use the employee lookup to select the employee who has the primary responsibility to send this proposal. This field is automatically populated from the project, if one was selected.

Show Additional Properties

Click this link to show the additional fields, where you can enter more detailed information for the proposal. This link toggles to display Show/Hide Additional Properties, which you can click to show or hide the fields as needed.

Field Description
Source Select the source for the proposal, such as Client Reference or Marketing Campaign.
Status Select the status that most accurately describes the current stage of your proposal, such as In Progress or Submitted. Your administrator defines the values in this list.
Fee Enter the fee for the proposal.
Type Select a type as a means to categorize the proposal; for example, it is a letter of interest or a statement of qualification. Your administrator defines the values in this list.
Date Advertised Select the date on which the proposal was advertised.
Submittal Date Select the date on which the proposal was submitted.
Awarded Date Select the date on which the project was awarded.
Notes Enter any additional notes for the proposal. To format the text, click the drop-down arrow to open the text editor.