Asset Review Form or Dialog Box

Use this form or dialog box to view summary information for an asset item's depreciation settings, financial calculations, transaction history, and associated units.

Asset Review opens from the following applications in Asset Management:

  • Asset Review
  • Transfer/Split Processing
  • Disposal Processing

Opening Asset Review in Asset Management > Asset Review

In the Search field in Asset Management > Asset Review, you can select one or more asset items on the Equipment lookup to view on the Asset Review form. Only asset items from the Equipment hub (and not equipment items) display on the lookup.

On the Equipment lookup, use the Active Assets check box and Inactive Assets check box (located below the search results list) to search for only active asset items, only inactive asset items, or both. The status of an asset item is entered on the GL Book tab of the Equipment form.

Multiple Companies

If you use multiple companies: On the Equipment lookup, by default you have access to asset items that are associated with projects from all your companies, regardless of which company is the active company. However, the Restrict Charge Companies check box and the companies that you enter in the Company Access grid on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub for a project affect whether or not you can access asset items that are associated with the project from the active (current) company.

  • When you log in and you select as the active (current) company a company that is entered in the Company Access grid for a project, you can access the asset items that are associated with the project on the Equipment lookup.
  • When you log in and you select as the active (current) company a company that is not entered in the Company Access grid for a project, you cannot access the asset items that are associated with the project on the Equipment lookup.

Asset Item that Is Displayed on the Form

The text below the Asset Review form toolbar identifies the asset item that you are viewing on the form. It lists the following information about the asset item, from the General tab of the Equipment hub:

<Description of the asset item> : <Equipment number> : <Project Name/Phase Name/Task Name>

Opening Asset Review from Transfer/Split Processing and Disposal Processing

When you click Asset Review on the toolbar of the Disposal Processing form or the Transfer/Split Processing form, Asset Review opens in a dialog box. Only the asset item that you select on the form displays on the Asset Review dialog box. When you click OK on the dialog box, you are returned to the Disposal Processing or Transfer/Split Processing form.

Unposted Transactions

When you unpost transactions that were created during depreciation processing, the transactions are removed from the Summary and History tabs in Asset Review.

Multiple Currencies

If you use multiple currencies, transaction amounts and the acquisition cost of an asset item display in the functional currency in Asset Review.