Translation Analysis Utility

You can use the Translation Analysis report as a reference to display the current translation values of system labels and lists for each language of Vantagepoint that is available to you.

You can then use the report to identify certain parts of the user interface that you want to customize to display the correct translation in your selected language upon login. You can also use this to display the terminologies and conventions that you use in your company's business environment.

For example, your firm uses specific terms like "Customer" for "Client," or "Projects" for "WBS1," the Translation Analysis Report helps you identify the translations done for each language. These elements can be customized by logging in with the specific language you wish to update and then using the following applications:

Element Navigation For more information
System Labels Settings > Labels and Lists > Labels System Labels and Custom Labels
Lists (or Code) Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists Field Lists
User-defined fields and Screen Designer Items On the Actions bar of a hubs form, click Other Actions > Design


In the Navigation pane, select Settings > General > Screen Designer

Screen Designer

Each language appears as a column on the Translation Analysis report. If there are entries that do not have defined translations, Vantagepoint will display <Text Not Translated> in the user interface.