Contents of the Project/Phase/Task Lookup Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to select a project to charge time to for a row in a timesheet.

Field Description
Search field Use this field to filter the list of available projects. Enter one or more characters to display a list of projects that begin with your search text. For example, enter an M to have only the projects that start with an M display in the Project list.

If Treat Inactive Projects as Dormant is set to No in Settings > Time > Options, inactive projects, phases, and tasks display in the associated lists in a lighter font, but you can still select them.

Project List Scroll through the list and click a project to select it. If the selected project has phases, they appear in the Phase list and you must select a phase.
Phase List This list displays phases for the selected project if the project has phases. If the selected phase has tasks, they appear in the Task list and you must select a task.
Task List This list displays the tasks for the selected project if the phase has tasks. Scroll through the list and click a task to select it.
Select Click this button to save your project, phase, and/or task selections and return to the timesheets grid, which now displays these selections.