Contents of the Add Multiple Time Periods Dialog Box

Use the fields on this dialog box to enter settings that will automatically add multiple timesheet periods to the time grid on the Time Periods form in Time Settings.


Field Description
Frequency Select the frequency of the timesheet periods. Options are: Monthly, Semi-monthly (twice a month), Biweekly (every two weeks), and Weekly.
New Time Period Status Click this field and select a status for the timesheet period. The status determines what timesheet processing options are available to employees for the time period. An employee's administrative level that is set up on the Time & Expense tab of the Employees hub affects the processing options available to them based on the time period status.

The options are:

  • Open: The time period is open to all employees. Employees with a Staff administrative level can enter, edit, and submit timesheets. Employees with a Group, Company, or System administrative level can enter, edit, submit, and approve any timesheet to which they have access.
  • Administrators: The time period is closed to employees with a Staff administrative level, but is open to employees with a Group, Company, and System administrative level. Employees with Staff access cannot enter, edit, or submit timesheets. Employees with a Group, Company, or System administrative level can enter, edit, submit, and approve any timesheet to which they have access.
  • System Administrators: The time period is closed to employees with a Staff, Group, or Company administrative level, but is open to employees with a System administrative level.
    • Employees with a Staff administrative level cannot enter, edit, or submit timesheets.
    • Employees with a Group administrative level cannot enter, edit, submit, or approve timesheets.
    • Employees with a Company administrative level cannot enter, edit, submit, or approve timesheets.
    • Employees with a System administrative level can still enter, edit, submit, and approve any timesheet to which they have access.
  • Closed: The time period is closed to employees with a Staff, Group, Company, or System administrative level. All employees are prevented from entering, editing, submitting, or approving timesheets in the period.

All employees can open and print any timesheet to which they have access, whether the time period status is Open, Administrators, System Administrators, or Closed.

After you make entries on the Add Multiple Time Periods dialog box, when you return to the Time Periods form, where the multiple timesheet periods have been added to the grid, you can change the status of an individual timesheet period in the grid.

Start Date Specify the start date for the first timesheet period.
End Date Specify the end date for the last timesheet period.
First Week Number or First Timesheet Period Number The label for this field depends on whether you set the Time Period Label option on the Time Periods form to Week or Time Period Number.

If you set the Enable Period Number option to Yes on the Time Periods form (meaning that the timesheet period number displays on timesheet screens and reports instead of a timesheet period date range), then enter the first period's number in this field.

Add Click this button when you finish entering the information on this dialog box. You are returned to the Time Periods form. Timesheet periods are added to the time period grid based on the entries that you made on this dialog box.