Approval Workflow and Expense Reports

Expense reports are processed for approval through the approval workflow. he approval workflow for expense reports is managed in the desktop application and in Vantagepoint.

Configure Approval Workflow for Expense Reports

Enable approval workflows in Settings > Expense > Expense Approvals. In the desktop application, select the approval workflow to be used for expense reports in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows. Set up approval workflow settings in in the desktop application.

Approval Roles

When the approval workflow for expense reports is enabled, approval workflow related option are displayed in the Expense Reports form. The displayed options are based on the approval role of the employee. The approval workflow include options to submit, approve, reject, or reassign expense reports.

Set up approval roles in Settings > Organization > General of the desktop application. You assign employee approval roles in the same location.

Expense Report Approval Status

During the whole approval workflow process, you can check the status of an expense report by using the Search field. Expense report records that match the search criteria display in the drop-down field and the approval workflow status displays in the right side of the expense report record.

To view additional status information, open the expense report and click Other Actions > Show/Hide Approvals Timeline to display more details of the expense report status.