Contents of the Create New Dialog Box for Scheduled Billing

Use these fields and options to create scheduled billings.

Field Description
Fixed Amount Enter the amount to be billed for each milestone. For example, if you enter $10,000, Vantagepoint creates a bill for $10,000 for each row on the schedule.
Bill Every X Months Enter a number to indicate the frequency of billing. For example, enter 1 to create a bill each month or enter 3 to create a bill each quarter.
Invoicing Date Select the date when the fixed amount associated with each row in the schedule should be billed to the client.  The invoicing date refers to the calendar month and not the period month.
Start Date Select or enter a date to determine the beginning of the billing schedule. Vantagepoint creates each row in the schedule based on the Invoicing Date selected, the frequency set in the Bill Every X Months field, and the Start Date.

For example, if you select First day of the month as the Invoicing Date and your frequency is set to bill once per month, and you select January 1 as the Start Date, then January 1 will be the first invoice date. If, however you select the same Invoicing Date and frequency, but you enter January 5 as the Start Date, then the first invoicing date will be February 1.

Number of Billing Cycles Enter the number of billing cycles to include on the schedule.

For example, if the Invoicing Date is First of the month, the frequency is set to create a bill each month, the Start Date is January 1, and you enter 6 as the Number of Billing Cycles, then Vantagepoint creates six rows in the Scheduled Billing grid to create a bill on January 1, February 1, March 1, April 1, May 1, and June 1.

Save Click this button to save your changes.
Cancel Click this button to cancel your changes and close the dialog box.