Contents of the Billing Phase Grouping Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to configure phase grouping information.


Field Description
Phase Group Use this field to enter a title for the phase group. You can enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters for the title that will be used as an option for the Group column on the Billing Phases grid of the Fees tab.

If you select the Hide Detail check box on this dialog box, the invoice that you produce will contain a row for each phase group. Rows of phase groups on an invoice will be sorted by the title that you enter in the Phase Group field.

Description Use this field to enter a description for the phase group, which will be shown on invoices. The description that you enter can be up to 100 alphanumeric characters long.
Print Header Select this check box if you want the phase group name entered in the Name field to be printed on the invoice. This check box is selected by default.

When you select the Hide Detail check box on this dialog box, the Print Header field is not enabled.

Print Subtotal Select this check box to include the subtotal for a phase group on the invoice. This check box is selected by default.

When you select the Hide Detail check box on this dialog box, the Print Subtotal field is not enabled.

Hide Detail Select this check box to hide the details of each billing phase associated with a phase group when printing an invoice. Invoices that you produce will display one row per phase group. The row includes the totals for the phase group. Multiple rows of phase groups on an invoice are sorted by the phase group title that you enter in the Phase Group field.
Add Space After Select this check box to add a space after each phase group on the invoice.
This appears at the end of the row when you hover on a grid entry. Click this button to delete the phase grouping entry from the grid.
+ Add Phase Group Click this option to add a new phase group line to the grid.
Save Click this button to save your changes.
Cancel Click this button to cancel your changes and close the dialog box.