View All Companies Associated with an Employee

Use a custom search to view a list of all the companies that are associated with an employee.

To view all companies that are associated with an employee:

  1. On the Navigation pane, select .
  2. Perform a custom search to display the Custom Search dialog box.
  3. In the First Name and Last Name field, select the = operator and enter the employee's first and last name.
  4. Optional. To find all companies where the employee is active, select the = operator and select Active in the Status field.
  5. Click Apply.
    The search results displays all companies with which the employee is associated. If you also filtered for active status, the list includes only those companies where the employee is active. The list displays only those companies to which you have access rights, regardless of your access to the current employee record.

An alternative to using a custom search: When you do a standard search in the Employees hub for the employee (Active, All, Mine), a separate employee record displays in the search list for each company that the employee is associated with. Each of these multiple records in the list displays the company that is associated with the employee record below the employee's name.