Billing (Upset) Limit Examples

A billing (or upset) limit is a maximum amount above which Vantagepoint cannot bill. You can choose from four different billing limit approaches.

Aggregate Limits Example

This method combines all upset limits entered into billing terms for the project and compares the combined result to the total billings for the project. Any adjustment is prorated back to all sections that had billing amounts, in proportion to each section’s part of the total billings.

For example, assume an invoice is generated as follows:

Current Billing Upset Limit
Labor 2,810 7,000
Consultants 800 4,500
Units 233

The Billing Limits section on the bill will appear as follows:

Billing Limits Current Prior To-Date
Total Billings 3,843 9,044 12,887
Limit 11,500
Adjustment 1,387

Proration adjustment is calculated as:

Proration Percentage

= Adjustment/Total Current Billings

= 1387/3843

= .3609159

Proration Percentage = 36% (rounded)

Applied to: All sections with billings

Labor Adjustment

= Current Labor Billings * Proration Percentage

= 2,810 * .36

= 1,011.60

Consultants Adjustment

= Current Consultant Hour Billings * Proration Percentage

= 800 * .36

= 288

Unit Adjustment

= Current Unit Billings * Proration Percentage

= 233 * .36

= 83.88

Individual Limits Example

After calculating the invoice section totals, Vantagepoint displays upset limits for only those sections that have upset limits specified. Vantagepoint calculates any adjustment required for each section compared to the upset limit specified for the individual section. If no adjustment is necessary, Vantagepoint displays the amount remaining. Since the adjustment is calculated for each individual section, no proration calculation is needed.

For example, assume that an invoice is generated as follows:

Current Billing Upset Limit
Labor 2,810 7,000
Consultants 800 4,500
Units 233 No limit

The Billing Limits section on the bill will display as follows:

Billing Limits Current Prior To-Date
Labor 2,810 4,875 7,685
Limit 7,000
Adjustment - 685
Consultants 800 3200 4,000
Limit 4,500
Remaining 500

Example of Print indiv - calc aggregate for sections with limits

This method displays a line for each section of the invoice that has a limit. The calculation combines all upset limits and compares the total result to project-to-date billings to determine any required adjustment or amount remaining. Any adjustment is prorated back to only those sections of the invoice that have upset limits, in proportion to their part of the total subject to limits.

For example, assume that an invoice is generated as follows:

Current Billing Upset Limit
Labor 2,810 7,000
Consultants 800 4,500
Units 233 No limit

The Billing Limits section on the bill will display as follows:

Billing Limits Current Prior To-Date
Labor 2,810



Consultants 800


Total Billings 3,610







Proration adjustment is calculated as:

Proration Percentage

= Adjustment/Total Current Billings Subject to Limits

= 185/3610

= .0512465

Proration Percentage = 0.051% (rounded)

Applied to: All sections with limits

Labor Adjustment

= Current Labor Billings * Proration Percentage

= 2,810 * 0.051

= 143.31

Consultants Adjustment

= Current Consultant Hour Billings * Proration Percentage

= 800 * 0.051

= 40.80

Unit Adjustment = n/a, no limit

Example of Print indiv - calc aggregate for all sections

This method combines all upset limits entered into billing terms for the project and compares the combined result to the total billings for the project. Any adjustment is prorated back to all sections that had billing amounts, in proportion to each section’s part of the total billings.

For example, assume that an invoice is generated as follows:

Current Billing Upset Limit
Labor: 2,810 7,000
Consultants: 800 4,500
Units: 233

The Billing Limits section on the bill will display as follows:

Billing Limits Current Prior To-Date
Labor 2,810 4,875 7,685
Limit 7,000
Consultant 800 3,200 4,000
Limit 4,500
Units 233 969 1,202
Limit 0
Total Billings 3,843 9,044 12,887
Limit 11,500
Adjustment -1,387

Proration adjustment is calculated as:

Proration Percentage

= Adjustment/Total Billings

= 1387/3843

= .3609159 Proration Percentage

= 36% (rounded)

Applied to: All sections with billings

Labor Adjustment

= Current Labor Billings * Proration Percentage

= 2,810 * .36

= 1,011.60

Consultants Adjustment

= Current Consultant Hour Billings * Proration Percentage

= 800 * .36

= 288.00

Unit Adjustment

= Current Unit Billings * Proration Percentage

= 233 * .36

= 83.88