Billing Labor Override Tables

Use Billing Labor Override tables as exception tables, in which you place those employees who are being billed at a different rate or in a different labor category for a particular project.

For example, assume that for a given project, you set the Method option to By category in the Labor section of the Rates tab, in Billing Terms. You have an employee, William Apple, who is normally billed using a project manager category (Category 2). However, for this project, William Apple is considered a senior designer(Category 3). You can add William Apple to an override table and in the table select Category 3 (for senior designer). In this example, you do not enter an override rate, because William Apple will be billed at the standard rate for a senior designer.

Since an employee's billing rate or labor category can be determined in several places in the application, Vantagepoint uses a rate hierarchy to decide which rate to use. For more information, see How Vantagepoint Determines Labor Billing Rates.

You can also use override tables to specify a maximum cost rate for an entire category (rather than an individual employee).