Open an Existing Vendor Payment Run

You can start a vendor payment run, save it, and finish processing it at a later time.

To open an existing vendor payment run:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Cash Management > Vendor Payments.
  2. On the Vendor Payments form, use the search fields at the top of the form to select an existing run that has not been posted.

    The search results display the following two lines of information for each payment run returned in the search:

    • The vendor payment run number, the payment date, the current step to complete for the run (Selecting, Printing, Printed, Assigned, and Posted), the run processing type (Manual or Automatic), and the run payment type (Check/EFT, Wire, Direct Debit).
    • The name of the employee who created the payment run.

    Search Results Examples:

    The following example shows a manual payment run for wires. The word "Selecting" in the first line indicates that the run is ready for you to select vouchers to pay:
    • Run 7 - 10/9/2019 - Selecting Manual Wire
    • Created by William Apple
    The following example shows a check and/or EFT payment run. The word "Printing" in the first line indicates that it is ready for you to print the payments, assign payment numbers, print and/or email remittances, and print file copies.
    • Run 3 - 8/21/2019 - Printing Check/EFT
    • Created by Emily Davidson
  3. Continue processing the payment run on the next page that opens on the Vendor Payments form.