New Payment Run Page of the Vendor Payments Form

Use this page to create a new vendor payment run, the first step in the process to pay AP vouchers.

Accessing the New Payment Run Page

The New Payment Run page displays on the Vendor Payments form when you do either of the following:

  • You open the Vendor Payments form and no open payment runs exist or multiple payment runs exist.
  • You click + New Payment Run in the Vendor Payments form header.


Field Description
Create New Run Click this button after you finish entering all the information for a new payment run. The payment run is assigned the next run number and saved, and the Voucher Selection page displays.
Cancel Click this button if the run that you are creating is new and you decide not to create the new payment run.
Payment Date

Enter the payment date for the payments in the payment run. This date displays on the printed check and is used for the payments made electronically. If Vantagepoint is configured to require that transaction dates fall within the current fiscal year or current fiscal period, the date that you enter must meet that requirement.

Payment Type

Select one of the following options for the payment run:

  • Check/EFT: Select this option to allow the payment run to include paper checks and/or EFT (electronic funds transfer) payments. EFT payments include ACH/NACHA, SEPA, and ClieOp payments. For EFT payments, you download a file that has payment information to send to your bank, to make the direct deposits into your vendors' bank accounts. In a payment run, you can process payments made by paper checks and EFTs, paper checks only, or EFTs only.

    The following applies for AP vouchers that are selected to pay in a Check/EFT payment type run:

    • AP vouchers for vendors with the Electronic Payment Method field set to None on the Vendor tab of the Firms hub are paid by a printed check.
    • AP vouchers for vendors with the Electronic Payment Method field set to NACHA, SEPA, or ClieOp on the Vendor tab of the Firms hub are paid by an EFT if the bank that is entered for an AP voucher is also set up to make EFT payments (the Export to Text field is set to SEPA or User Defined on the Options tab in Settings > Cash Management > Banks).

    When you select Check/EFT, you further control the type of payments that are included in a payment run by using the following settings on this page:

    To process the payment run this way Do this

    Process only checks

    1. Set the Process Type field to Automatic.
    2. Set the Payments to Include field to Printed Payments Only.

    3. Clear the Create checks instead of EFT Transactions for this Run check box.

    When you select Automatic, you can review the automatically selected vouchers to pay and, if needed, remove a voucher from being paid, select other vouchers to pay, and partially pay a voucher.

    Process only EFT payments

    1. Set the Process Type field to Automatic.
    2. Set the Payments to Include field to EFT Only.
    3. Clear the Create checks instead of EFT Transactions for this Run check box.

    Pay all vendors in a payment run by check, even those who are set up to normally be paid by EFT

    Select the Create Checks Instead of EFT Transactions for This Run check box.

  • Wire: Select this option to record wire payments that have already been paid by your bank.
  • Direct Debit: Select this option to record direct debits that have already been paid by your bank.
Create Checks Instead of EFT Transactions for This Run This check box displays only if you set the Payment Type field to Check/EFT. Select this check box to pay all vendors in this payment run by paper check, including the vendors who are set up to be paid by EFT.
Process Type

Select one of the following ways to process the payment run:

  • Automatic: This process type applies only if you set the Payment Type field to Check/EFT. When you select Automatic:
    • All vouchers that are due to be paid in the active period that you have open in Vantagepoint are automatically selected to be paid. This is based on each vendor's payment terms.
    • The Automatic Selections section displays on the New Payment Run page. Use this section to enter other settings for an automatic run, including additional criteria for automatically selecting the vouchers to be paid. For example, you can enter a specific bank code, vendor type, or liability code to further filter the vouchers that are automatically selected to pay.
    • On the Select Vouchers page, which displays after you complete the information on the New Payment Run page and click Create New Run, you review the list of vendors and their vouchers that were automatically selected. If needed, you can remove vouchers from being paid, add vouchers to pay, and/or specify the partial payment of a voucher.
  • Manual Select: You review a list of vendors and their vouchers and select which ones to pay in the run. This process type is selected automatically when you select Wire or Direct Debit as the payment type, and you cannot change it.

Automatic Selections Section

This section displays only when you select Check/EFT as the payment type and Automatic as the process type. Use this section to enter other settings for the automatic run, including additional criteria for automatically selecting vouchers to be paid.

Field Description
Payments to Include

This field prefills with All, which you cannot change if you selected the Create Checks Instead of EFT Transactions for this Run check box for the Check/EFT payment type. This means that the payment run will pay all vendors in the payment run by check, including any vendors who are set up to normally be paid by EFT.

If you did not select the Create Checks Instead of EFT Transactions for this Run check box for the Check/EFT payment type, you can select one of the following options in this field:

  • All: Select this option to process both checks and EFTs in the payment run.
  • Printed Payments Only: Select this option to process only paper checks in the payment run.
  • EFT Only: Select this option to process only EFTs in the payment run.
Bank Code If you want to process an automatic payment run for only one bank, select the bank code for that bank in this field. Only vouchers that have this bank assigned to them will be paid in the run. You assign banks to a voucher when you enter the voucher in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > AP Vouchers or Transaction Center > Create Voucher from PO.
Liability Code To select vouchers for an automatic payment run based on an AP liability code (account) that is entered for a voucher, select the liability code in this field. You assign liability codes to a voucher when you enter the voucher in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > AP Vouchers or Transaction Center > Create Voucher from PO.
Vendor Type To automatically select vouchers to pay based on the vendor type (such as consultant or trade), select one or more vendor types in this field. You can select a maximum of four vendor types. Vendor types are assigned on the Vendor tab in the Firms hub.
Advanced Selections Click and on the Special Selections list select the vendors whose vouchers you want to pay in the automatic payment run. (Click a vendor in the list to select it.) After a vendor appears as selected in the Advanced Selections field, you can select another vendor. Repeat this for all the vendors that you want to include in the automatic payment run.

Payment Sorting Section

Field Description
First Sort, Second Sort, and Third Sort Fields Specify a maximum of three sort groups to determine the order of the AP vouchers processed in the vendor payment run. These fields prefill with your previous selections.

Options for each sort level are:

  • None
  • Payee
  • Vendor Number
  • Vendor Name
  • Vendor Type
  • Vendor Status
  • Organization
  • Your Organization Level 1 (Company)
  • Your Organization Level 2
  • Your Organization Level 3
  • Your Organization Level 4
  • Your Organization Level 5