Contents of the Assign Payment Numbers Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to number payments in a vendor payment run that has a payment type of Checks/EFTs.

This applies for checks and EFTs that have the ACH/NACHA, SEPA, or ClieOp formatted files.

Field Description
Check Number

If you set up auto numbering for a bank in the Bank Transactions grid of the Transaction Settings form (in Settings > Accounting > Transactions), the next automatic number prefills in this field and will be used as the starting number for the payments in the payment run. You cannot change the prefilled number in this field, but you can view and change the next automatic number in Accounting Transaction Settings.

If you do not have automatic numbering set up for a bank, enter in this field the number to use as the starting number for the payments in the payment run.

Assign to

Select one of the following options:

  • Remaining Payments: When you select this option, payment numbers are sequentially assigned to the check or EFT payments in the Payments grid, starting with the payment in the grid that you selected before you click the Assign Numbers action and ending with the last payment in the grid. For example, if there are 10 payments in the Payments grid to pay and you select the first payment in the grid before you click Assign Numbers (and you select Remaining Payments in the Assign EFT Numbers dialog box), all 10 payments in the grid are numbered sequentially, starting with the first payment in the grid. But if you selected the third payment in the grid before you clicked Assign Numbers, the sequentially assigned numbers start with the third payment in the grid and end with the 10th payment in the grid. The first two payments in the grid will not be assigned payment numbers.
  • Single Payment: When you select this option, a payment number is assigned to the one checks or EFT payment that you selected before you clicked the Assign Numbers action. Use this option to reprint checks if the printer jams or any other printing problem occurs while you are printing checks.
Assignment Order

This setting applies when you select Remaining Payments in this dialog box (you have more than one payment to number). Select one of the following options:

  • Ascending: Vantagepoint will assign the number that you entered in the Check Number field to the payment that you selected in the Payments grid on the Printing and Numbering form before you clicked the Assign Numbers action. Then it continues to assign the next sequential number in ascending order to each payment below the payment that you selected in the Payments grid.
  • Descending: Vantagepoint will assign the number that you entered in the Check Number field to the payment that you selected in the Payments grid on the Printing and Numbering form before you clicked the Assign Numbers action. Then it continues to assign the next sequential number in descending order to each payment below the payment that you selected in the Payments grid.
Diary This field displays only if you have set up a diary for the fiscal period or fiscal year in which you are entering transactions in the Diary Auto Numbering Options section of the Transaction Settings form in Settings > Accounting > Transactions.

Use this field to select a diary code for the current transaction or the group of transactions if you are processing a group of transactions, such as in a vendor payment run. The diaries are used to generate diary reports that contain a set of sequentially numbered transactions that have been posted to the general ledger during the fiscal year or to specific fiscal periods. You can assign different diaries (that have different diary types) to different types of transactions.

The Diary drop-down list contains three columns. The first column displays the diary code. The second and third columns display the diary type for the diary code and the description of the diary type.

The drop-down list contains all the diaries that you set up on the Diary Auto Numbering Options section in Transactions Settings that have the same fiscal period or fiscal year in which you are entering transactions or that have no fiscal period or year entered for them.

If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, the Diary field drop-down list includes only the diary codes that are set up for the current company. The list also includes IC - Intercompany Diary to capture intercompany transactions.

You cannot delete a transaction after it has been saved with a diary number. If a transaction is incorrect, you can enter zero amounts for the transaction or enter a reversing transaction.