Save Record Selections for Reports

You can save record selections for use in future reporting sessions. For example, you might have a saved search for all projects assigned to a certain project manager.

Save Rights

On the Save Rights section of the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles) use the Reports, Searches, and Options setting to control the actions available to you when you save search criteria:
Reports, Searches, and Options Setting in Role Security What You Can Do in Reporting
Save Personal Only Create, modify, save, or delete only your personal reports favorites and searches.
Save for My Role In addition to creating personal favorites and searches, you can save searches for use by co-workers who share your security role.
Save for All Roles You can create a saved report or search for yourself or for any other security role. In addition, you can also include all report definitions and other parameters whenever you export a report.

"Is Me" Operator in Searches

The "is me" operator helps you select only data to which your employee record is linked. For example, suppose you want a version of the Project Summary report that lists only data from projects for which you are the project manager. To do that, you click the Selection column in the Reports grid, and then you specify these settings on the Project lookup:

  • Search Field = Project Manager Number
  • Operator = is me

This operator works only with search fields that are employee numbers, such as Employee Number or Project Manager Number. It does not work with search fields based on names, such as Employee Last Name.

This search returns different records based on which employee runs the search. These options can be helpful when you share searches.

"Is Mine" and "Is Not Mine" Operators in Searches

If you search on an organization field, you can use the "is mine" and "is not mine" operators to make your search easier. These search options select data in or not in your organization. If you share a search that includes "Is Mine" or "Is Not Mine", the records returned will match each user's organization. For example, you could create a search with these settings:

  • Search Number = Organization
  • Operator = is mine

This search return different records based on which employee runs the search. These options can be helpful when you share searches.