Workflows that Update the Project Stage

If you set up a workflow to change a project stage, that workflow should also update the Capacity Calculation value for the project based on the new stage's step.

Set up the workflow to update Capacity Calculation as follows:

If the new stage has this step Set Capacity Calculation to this
Won Included in Scheduled and Utilization
Lost or Do Not Pursue Excluded from Scheduled and Utilization
In Pursuit Included in Scheduled and Utilization or Excluded from Scheduled and Utilization

Your selection depends on the Include Projects in an In Pursuit Stage in Scheduled and Utilization Calculations setting on the Plan Settings form (Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings).

If the workflow does not update Capacity Calculation as well as Stage, it could result in an invalid combination of the Stage and Capacity Calculation values. If that occurs, an "Invalid Capacity Calculation" message displays when users attempt to save changes for the project in the Projects hub.